Love To Bake Pure Pumpkin Cheesecake - Baked Cheesecake #3

This cake was a asking from my blood brother inwards law. He wanted a pumpkin cheesecake in addition to so, I took this chance to endeavor out Rose's recipe.

Largely based on Rose Levy Berenbaum's recipe amongst quite a lot of adapations. And or so regrets too.

My adaptations:
1. Didn't convey gingersnaps in addition to substituted amongst fresh ginger in addition to digestive biscuits, skipped the carbohydrate inwards the crust.
2. Rounded upwardly the ingredients inwards the filling.
3. Used muscavado instead of turbinado sugar
4. Added flour to the filling because I know I prefer a slightly firmer cheesecake.
5. Used golden syrup to supplant corn syrup

1. Made less crust, gosh, it was delicious!
2. Made inwards a 8 inch pan instead of 9, resulting inwards a thicker cake ---slightly underbaked
3. Didn't job the side amongst aluminium foil, thence messy when I removed the outer pan.

The rest? Wonderful! I'm glad I didn't skip the topping.

But I intend I volition categorize this every bit an adult cake. My cheesecake loving kids shared ane slice in addition to never asked for seconds.

Pure Pumpkin Cheesecake
Adapted by: WendyinKK
Original Source:Rose's Heavenly Cakes This cake was a asking from my blood brother inwards police line Love to Bake Pure Pumpkin Cheesecake - Baked Cheesecake #3

100gm digestive biscuits
40gm toasted pecans
40gm butter
1 heaped tsp freshly grated ginger

500gm cream cheese
200gm muscavado sugar
two eggs (Grade B)
two egg yolks
50gm cake flour
400gm whipping cream
250gm pumpkin puree (I steamed 300gm in addition to pureed it. Weighed sum needed)

50gm sugar
5gm golden syrup
20gm water
30gm whipping cream, warmed up
10gm butter

Prepare Crust
1. Pulse the pecans in addition to and so add together inwards the biscuits. Grind them until fine.
2. Heat butter inwards pan in addition to saute the ginger until most golden. Pour inwards the cookie nut crumbs in addition to toss to combine.
3. Press this into an 8 inch springform pan in addition to smoothen the sides amongst the assistance of a apartment based drinking glass tumbler.
(or role a smaller pan). Put this into the freezer.
4. Preheat the oven at 170C ( no fan), operate past times in addition to bottom heat

Prepare filling in addition to bake
5. Cream the cheese amongst carbohydrate until lump free. Add inwards the eggs in addition to egg yolk gradually in addition to mix it until smooth.
6. Add inwards cake flour in addition to mix until smooth. Put inwards whipping cream in addition to mix well. Lastly lay inwards the pumpkin puree in addition to mix until smooth.
7. Pour this into the prepared pan.
8. Put the cake pan into a slightly larger pan in addition to lay this onto the lower racks of the oven.
9. Pour boiling H2O into the larger pan halfway upwardly the cake pan.
10. Bake for 1 hr xv minutes. Cool inwards oven (door ajar for 1 hour). Cool downward totally in addition to chill for v hours. Top amongst caramel glaze to serve.

Prepare topping.
11. Heat water, carbohydrate in addition to golden syrup inwards a heavy based saucepan, stirring gently constantly until it turns a deep amber (180C).
12. Pour inwards the warmed cream (it volition bubble up) in addition to amongst a silicon spatula, stir the mixture gently. Return the pan to heat, the lowest oestrus on your stove in addition to gently warm it for 1 minute, stirring it gently all the piece until the caramel is all melted again. It's ok if it's a piffling streaky.
13. Put inwards butter in addition to vanilla in addition to stir until smooth. Try non to contain air past times by stirring vigorously, survive gentle all the time.
14.When topping is no longer warm to touch, pipage or pour the topping over the cooled cheesecake. Serve.

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