Love To Bake Strawberry Custard Cream Buns - Fruity Buns #1

The huckleberry buns that Pook made were soooo pretty. Can't accept my eyes off them. And so, I wanted to brand them too. I chose to role strawberries because of the toll ingredient together with personally I dear strawberries.

My girls idea these were cupcakes due to the shape it takes in. And they were inwards for a surprise when they tried eating it.

Initially I wanted to brand these equally gifts for a relative, but it thence happened that they weren't inwards town, something that rarely happens inwards the twenty-four hr stream for them, but it was such coincidence. So, I turned dorsum together with took these to Mike's office. Some suppliers were at that topographic point together with they were grinning from ear to ear when they saw these. Feedback was skillful together with the decorative mint (from my garden) were gobbled upward equally well. It blends amongst the strawberry rattling well.

I made lesser custard than inwards her stated recipe because I saw she used merely 4 yolks instead of 5. So, I merely made a wild gauge that it was also much custard. I reduced the recipe accordingly together with still.. it was slightly also much custard. I had to chop off the overstep of the custard inwards gild to fill upward them amongst the topping.

The dough for this bun is rattling overnice together with soft. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 chip on the oily side, but nice.

Strawberry Custard Cream Buns
Recipe source: Daily Delicious

250g Bread flour
1/2 tsp Instant yeast
1tsp Salt
30g Sugar
145ml Whole milk
one Egg yolk
30g Unsalted butter

Custard Cream
270ml milk
seeds from ¼ vanilla edible bean or one tsp vanilla extract
ii eggs
ii egg yolks
60gm sugar
15gm cake flour
Pinch of salt

60gm strawberries
60gm sugar
½ tbsp lemon juice
½ tsp vanilla extract
250gm strawberries, cutting into modest pieces

1. Prepare dough. Mix everything together except the butter together with knead until the dough starts to piece of employment elastic. Then, knead inwards the butter until the dough becomes soft, smoothen together with almost satiny. Cover together with allow it proof until double (took me to a greater extent than almost 1.5 hours)
2. Meanwhile, fix the custard cream. Whisk eggs, vanilla, egg yolks together with saccharide until pale together with frothy. Whisk inwards the flour together with salt. In a saucepan, convey milk to a boil, together with slow pour this into the egg mixture, stirring it all the spell equally you lot pour. Pour the egg mixture dorsum into the saucepan together with ready until it thickens. Pour the cooked custard into a bowl together with position cling roll direct onto the surface to preclude it from forming a film.Set it aside.
3. Prepare strawberry sauce. Coarsely chop the 60gm strawberries together with mix amongst sugar, lemon juice together with vanilla extract. Cook it on medium depression oestrus until it turns jam like. Let it cool down.
4. When breadstuff dough has doubled, split dough into 12 pieces. Roll them round. Cover together with position them into the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
5. Meanwhile grease a 12 hole muffin tin. Preheat the oven at 160(fan)/180C.
6. Remove the chilled dough from the refrigerator together with coil them apartment most 8cm wide. Place them into the muffin holes together with press to shape a cup. Spoon the custard into the cavities. *no farther proofing*
7. Bake them for 12-15 minutes until the surface of the buns plough golden. Let them cool downward to a manageable temperature together with carefully take away them from the muffin tin.
8. Mix the strawberry sauce amongst the strawberry pieces. Top the custard buns amongst the strawberry topping.

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