Love To Bake Thai Fashion Garlic Steamed Fish - Fishy Fishy #3

 yummy yummy! I cooked this fish twice too pictures are from my sec attempt
This was my outset dish using fish sauce(that time, Sept 2011). I’ve never used fish sauce before. And non long earlier I saw this recipe, I bought myself 1 modest bottle. Some are made from squid, to a greater extent than or less from anchovies too this bottle I’ve got, is made from pomfret. Experienced fish sauce users, whatever departure betwixt those that I mentioned? I simply accept no idea. But 1 affair I know, it definitely gustation to a greater extent than pleasant than fish sauce that comes from China. That is toooooo fishy for me.

I adapted this recipe from Echo’s Kitchen, too the exclusively major departure I did was adding inward to a greater extent than or less homegrown lemongrass. Poor lemongrass bush, I’m violent it apart faster than it tin reproduce. If yous accept all these plants at home, I’m certain yous tin whip upwards this appetizing steamed fish inward no time. I know a lot of people accept calamansi trees at home, leftovers from Chinese New Year, lemongrass too fifty-fifty bird’s oculus chilli. But I don’t accept a calamansi tree at dwelling family correct now, I’m waiting for Chinese New Year's Day to teach mine.

Because I exclusively accept six fruits at home, too that wasn’t plenty for this dish, I added inward to a greater extent than or less lemon….. frankly, lemons don’t gustation equally practiced equally calamansis inward this dish. When I outset used calamansi… wow, the gustation was fabulous, too then equally I adjust the taste, I had to purpose lemons equally I ran out of calamansi too and then the flavour was somehow, non equally good, from a citrus betoken of view. So, my personal sentiment is, purpose all calamansi too it’ll endure phenomenal, similar Echo says it’ll be.

Thai Style Garlic Steamed Fish

1 whole fish (800gm), simply purpose whatever fish yous fancy
iii Tbsp finely minced garlic
1 Tbsp thinly sliced bird’s oculus chilli (more or less, upwards to you)
iii Tbsp calamansi juice (more or less, yous ask adjustments later)
1½ Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp fish sauce
¾ tsp salt
1 lemon grass, thinly sliced
1 Tbsp oil

1. Rinse fish too pat dry.
2. Mix garlic, chilli, calamansi juice, sugar, fish sauce, too tabular array salt together. Stir until saccharide too tabular array salt dissolves. Taste. It should endure slightly oversalted, sourish too mildly sweet. (Once it cooked, the saltiness volition endure reduced too the ‘sweetness’ volition endure enhanced yesteryear the fish) Adjust equally needed. Let it sit down for v minutes too gustation again. Take banking concern complaint that changes inward flavour mightiness tumble out equally the garlic gets “pickled”.
3. Stuff to a greater extent than or less lemon grass too to a greater extent than or less of the garlic mixture (no liquid) into the belly of the fish.
4. Put 1 Tbsp of the garlic mixture inward your steaming dish, on the location where yous volition identify your fish.
5. Place fish inward steaming dish too spoon garlic mixture over. Sprinkle tiptop amongst sliced lemongrass. Pour fossil oil over the fish.
6. Steam on high for xv minutes or until done (fish comes off the os when flaked)

 yummy yummy! I cooked this fish twice too pictures are from my sec attempt

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