Love To Bake Blt Pasta Salad - Pasta Calendar Week #1

Recipe tried out inward Sept 2011

Love this salad.

Well, who doesn’t dear BLT
Bacon--- Lettuce---Tomatoes.
H5N1 wonderful combination, commonly inward sandwiches.

But this time, it came inward the shape of pasta. Say good daytime bye to the breadstuff in addition to hullo to spirals.
Instead of using this equally a side dish or a starter, I made this for dinner in addition to nosotros loved it.

When I bought the pasta inward Tesco, I had no persuasion what to create alongside it yet. I lt was spiral but withal hollow, similar a twisted macaroni. And that nighttime itself, spell surfing on the internet, I came across this recipe in addition to hahahah! Was the recipe God-sent or what?

BLT Pasta Salad
Recipe adapted alongside modifications from : recipes/blt-pasta-salad-recipe/index.html">Food Network
Serves : 3-4 depending on component size.

250gm whatever spiral/corkscrew pastas (I used Tesco’s Riccioli, which was the exact shape inward the source)
½ loving cup milk
200gm bacon (I used bacon chips), sliced small
200gm cherry tomatoes, halved
1 clove garlic, finely minced
1 caput of cos lettuce or v heads of infant romaine, torn to pocket-size pieces (basically Romaine in addition to cos lettuce is the same thing, but local supermarkets tend to label the large ones equally cos lettuce in addition to the pocket-size ones equally romaine)
100gm mayonnaise
70gm natural laid apparently yogurt (I used Nestle Natural, Dutch Lady won’t gustation equally creamy here)
four Tbsp chopped saltation onions
Salt in addition to dark pepper

1. Cook the pasta equally per instructions on packaging until al dente. Drain in addition to mix alongside milk. Set aside. (toss it from fourth dimension to fourth dimension to distribute the milk)
2. Fry bacon inward pan (no oil) until crispy in addition to the bacon fossil oil oozes out. Tilt pan in addition to allow the fossil oil drain off the bacon. Dish upward bacon. Set aside.
3. Pour away most of the fossil oil inward pan, leaving behind almost 2-3 Tbsp of it. On medium heat, saute garlic until fragrant in addition to and pour inward the halved cherry tomatoes. Just spread inward pan but don’t toss them. Let it gear upward until the garlic is golden. Tilt pan, force tomatoes to the higher side in addition to allow the fossil oil collect at the lower side. Dish upward tomatoes in addition to equally much garlic equally you lot can. Set aside. (the tomatoes should non hold upward mushy, but only cooked)
4. Prepare dressing. Mix mayonnaise, yogurt in addition to three tbsp of the saltation onions together. Season alongside 1/3 tsp common salt in addition to dark pepper.
5. Just earlier serving, mix everything together in addition to sprinkle the concluding 1 tbsp of saltation onion equally garnish.

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