Love To Bake Brinjal Barrels Amongst Caramelized Mince - Katrika Calendar Week #3

Dish prepared on 6/4/2012

I invented this dish when I was withal didactics inwards Selancar, Pahang. My room mate together with I could entirely ready whatever nosotros could purchase at the settlement's market  amongst really express choices, cabbages, amaranth, water convolvulus, Indian Mustard together with beansprouts beingness the norm of leafy vege. Cucumber together with brinjal are the everyday exceptional at the marketplace for fruit vege. Luckily I love eggplant/aubergine/brinjal together with am e'er on the bespeak to uncovering novel methods to ready the regal thingy.

Deep frying volition give it a beautiful flavour, exactly it's a chip wasteful amongst the oil. So, I had to intend of a healthier together with economical agency to ready it.  When I get-go made this, I boiled the eggplants whole, segmented them later and stuffed them sideways amongst caramelized chicken thorax to boost the flavour, similar the regular Yongtofu except that the meat is precooked together with caramelized. And I made them many times this agency during my rest inwards the fossil oil palm settlement. My room mate, Mee Foong enjoyed this a lot.

half dozen years together with I never made it ane time to a greater extent than until recently.

This time, I came upward amongst the reckon of making them upright similar a barrel. Of which is ameliorate for presentation, together with keeps the mince inwards place

Brinjal Barrels amongst Caramelized Mince
Recipe source: WendyinKK

500gm eggplants/brinjal/aubergine
250gm minced pork/chicken breast
three shallots, finely minced
ii clove garlic, finely minced
ii Tbsp calorie-free soy sauce
1.5 Tbsp sugar
1/3 tsp common salt (or more)
Dash of pepper
¾ tsp cornstarch + three Tbsp water
Coriander for garnish

1. Cut egg plants into 1.5 inch sections. With a melon baller, scoop out flesh to shape a cavity. Steam on high rut for 10 minutes until soft exactly non mushy.
2. In a wok/pan, position inwards three Tbsp of fossil oil together with sauté shallots together with garlic until close golden.
3. Put inwards minced pork/chicken together with sauté until all the juices are no longer visible.
4. Put inwards sugar, soy sauce, common salt together with pepper together with ready until pork/chicken is fragrant together with dry out together with looks caramelized.
5. Put inwards cornstarch mixture together with ready until in that location is no visible liquid (not likewise dry)
6. Fill steamed eggplants amongst the caramelized minced meat together with hand amongst coriander every bit garnish.

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