Love To Bake Cheezy Baked Wild Rice Hotdish - Rice Calendar Week # 2

Many many months back, simple contest past times guessing the flavour of her chiffon. And well, I form of won it. And she sent me or therefore cupcake liners together with a pack of wild rice every bit my present. Wild rice!!! I never would’ve idea I volition larn a pack of that. It made a really squeamish gift, something that nosotros cannot purchase here. And lastly today(many months back), I got my butt of the couch together with cooked a hot dish amongst the rice. Finishing it at 1 go!!

Many moons back, I saw on Pei-Lin’s blog a dish called hotdish, made amongst wild rice. I never would’ve thought, I’d larn a risk to endeavor to brand this. But when I received the rice from Gert, I knew I had to endeavor this hotdish. After reading through her recipe, I dread at the idea of baking the rice for 1 hour, together with that’s amongst cooked rice together with everything else cooked! I fifty-fifty asked Pei-Lin whether I tin skip that footstep together with omit the milk. She said, no, baking gives the rice a crust together with form of concord everything together. So, I improvised, reduced the milk and made a cheese topping instead, kekeke, therefore that I withal larn a golden crust without that sum of cooking time. Excuses!!!! Actually I only wanted the rice to live cheesy.. kekeke. But together with then still, 1 hr is definitely every bit good too long to bake cooked rice. My electricity neb is to a greater extent than than RM400/month (2 adults ii kids at domicile only), together with I create non desire to jack it whatever higher.

Cheezy Baked Wild Rice Hotdish

142gm wild rice
2.5cups water
350gm minced beef (can supercede amongst other meats)
½ tsp soil oregano
Some cooking oil
1 Tbsp butter
1 loving cup chopped celery
200gm coarsely chopped fresh push clit mushrooms
1 onion, chopped
½ tsp salt
1 tin Campbell Mushoom Soup (300gm can)
1/3 tin of milk (measured amongst soup can)
Grated mozzarella, every bit much every bit y'all like

1. Rinse wild rice together with set into a heavy based pot (can role rice cooker too) together with set inwards water. Bring to a boil together with lower to a simmer. Cover amongst lid together with laid for 45 minutes until rice kernels puff open. Drain away excess H2O together with laid aside.
2. Heat a pan/wok together with set inwards or therefore cooking fossil oil together with laid beef together with oregano until fragrant together with browned. Remove together with laid aside.
3. In the same wok/pan, set inwards or therefore butter together with sauté onions until translucent. Put inwards mushrooms together with laid until fragrant together with wilted. Put inwards celery together with salt, together with toss for a few seconds together with dish upwards everything together with laid aside.
4. Mix cooked wild rice, browned beef together with cooked vegetables together. Pour inwards tin of soup together with milk. Mix well. Taste, if non salty enough, add together to a greater extent than salt, but it’s only squeamish for me at this point. It gets saltier when baked amongst cheese, don’t forget that.
5. Spoon rice mixture into greased baking pans together with run past times amongst grated mozzarella. Bake at 180(fan)/200C until cheese melts together with gets golden

Thank y'all Gert for the rice together with give thank y'all you Pei-Lin for the recipe. It’s genuinely a novel sense for our whole family.

Added at 12:16pm 14/9/2011: The rice itself tasted similar non sticky dark viscid rice, amongst a nutty aroma. BMS Organics has a unlike strain of wild rice, which is brusque similar Japanese rice, but night similar this every bit well. Please google for BMSOrganics chain stores, but I know there's 1 inwards Empire Subang together with 1 inwards Ipoh Garden East adjacent to Signature Kitchen.

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