Love To Bake Curry Chicken Chop - Chicken Trio # 1

Dish prepared inward May 2011

Sick of the commons curry? Sick of the commons Chicken chop alongside mushroom sauce or brownish sauce or fifty-fifty the traditional ketchup? Try this for a change.

Before I got married, Mike together with I went to Pangkor Laut Resort for a curt getaway. At the beachfront café, nosotros ordered to a greater extent than or less curry meatballs together with the meatballs were smothered inward a creamy curry sauce. Something rattling much dissimilar the regular curry that nosotros are thus used to. Why was it thus special? It’s due to the purpose of cream, dairy cream, non kokosnoot cream. I absolutely cruel inward beloved alongside the gravy, together with ordered a minute constituent of it rattling shortly later.

Today, I did non purpose meatballs, but deboned chicken whole legs, chicken chop cuts. My married adult man who wasn’t inward beloved alongside those meatballs, was exactly thus so close these, but ate lots of rice. Whereas my MIL said it was absolutely delicious. It’s exactly due to my hubby, whenever he eats curry, he likes it spicy together with heavily cooked inward kokosnoot milk, southward Indian style. So, if you lot similar it hot together with spicy similar how our Indian friends does it, you lot volition honor this disappointing. But if you lot similar it fragrantly curry (need non endure hot) together with creamy, together with peculiarly if you lot similar white sauce of whatever sort, you lot volition beloved this.

Curry Chicken Chop
Recipe source: Wendyywy, alongside gravy inspired from Pangkor Laut Resort

iv deboned whole legs
Salt together with pepper

two onions
1 heaped Tbsp curry pulverization (for chicken or meat)
1 loving cup whipping cream
Milk for thinning down
Salt to taste

1. Sprinkle to a greater extent than or less tabular array salt together with pepper over underside of legs. Rub thoroughly together with permit it marinate for at to the lowest degree one-half an hour. (I did i hour)
2. Heat a wok/pan together with pose inward to a greater extent than or less oil. Put chicken legs, peel side downwards onto the oil. Pan kid both sides until golden. Dish upward together with laid it aside.
3. With the same wok/pan, pour away the excess oil, leaving behind close two Tbsp of the oil.
4. On high heat, develop onions until fragrant together with lightly browned.
5. Turn rut to depression together with pose inward curry powder. Stir kid until fragrant.
6. Put inward cream together with plough rut to medium together with develop until it thickens.
7. If the gravy is besides thick or you lot prefer to a greater extent than gravy together with thus add together inward to a greater extent than or less milk. Season alongside salt.
8. Turn rut off. The creamy pale color of the gravy volition darken to a squeamish orangy color when allowed to sit down for a while, that volition plough pale over again when stirred.
9. Chop chicken into smaller pieces (if serving alongside rice) or larn out chicken whole (if serving it every bit principal dish) together with pour gravy over.

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