Love To Bake Garlicky Spicy Prawns - Prawns Calendar Week #1

Recipe created inwards July 2011

I bought these prawns on a trip to the nighttime marketplace in addition to they looked actually fresh.
I had no consider what to create alongside them yet in addition to the adjacent twenty-four hours I knew I simply got to create them asap.
I used what was inwards my pantry in addition to came upwards alongside this dish.

Take banknote that the garlic was sauteed on depression oestrus thus that they dry out upwards in addition to instruct crispy, thus alone later, the prawns are returned on high heat. This way, everything remains fragrant in addition to non soggy.

Garlicky Spicy Prawns
Recipe source: WendyinKK

500gm prawns
ii tbsp finely chopped garlic
ii bird’s optic chilli (those I used were pretty fiery)
1 tsp meat curry powder
ii Tbsp cream (sub alongside kokosnoot milk if you lot don’t have)
½ tsp salt

1. Wash in addition to bring down prawns. Remove eyes, feelers in addition to most of the legs alongside scissors. Drip them actually dry.
2. Heat a wok on high. Put inwards three Tbsp of oil, swirl the fossil oil around, brand certain wok is really, really hot.
3. Carefully but speedily pour inwards all the prawns. Spread them roughly in addition to produce non deed them besides soon.
4. When you lot encounter the side facing downwards turning pink/orange thus you lot flip them over in addition to modest them until they are actually fragrant. Remove from wok in addition to ready aside.
5. With the same wok(don't wash), on depression heat, if at that topographic point is all the same oil, role it if not, add together inwards 1 tbsp of fossil oil in addition to slow modest garlic until nearly golden in addition to thus pose inwards chilli, tabular array salt in addition to curry powder. Carefully modest them until fragrant in addition to dry. Turn oestrus to high.
6. Return fried prawns to wok in addition to toss them roughly to oestrus up. Put inwards cream in addition to arrive at it a few seconds of tossing.
7. Dish upwards in addition to serve.

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