Love To Bake Japanese Cream Buns - Obviously Rolls # 1

Recipe tried out inwards May 2011

My 2d staff of life amongst my mixer. Long ago.....

When I prepared the roux, I was a fleck shocked to regard how difficult that clump of dough was, together with I weighed it again.. phew, right weight, but it was hard. Lightly kneaded it to distribute the wet together with kept it airtight inwards the refrigerator overnight.

While I was kneading this, I made calls to Lena making certain my staff of life was going on the right track. She taught me, knead until it looks glossy together with hence it'll live right. Ok I heeded her advice, together with my staff of life came out nice.
Thanks Lena :) I am pretty much a staff of life noob although had been baking manually kneaded breads off together with on, but working amongst a automobile is different. It's simply similar cycling together with riding a motorcycle. Both are 2 wheelies, but the latter is motorised. Motorised makes the ride a lot faster. It's also to a greater extent than unsafe if y'all don't know how to role it, command it and how to read route signs. And the route sign hither is the window pane phase of which I convey really very rarely encountered amongst paw kneading.

But that was many months ago.. I've learnt along the agency and I tin sack say, sometimes I bake breads without refering to a recipe nowadays. Just similar how I bake cakes. I should brand progress, right? If not, it'll live hence wasted.

I did double batch together with they were finished upward by 4 adults 2 kids inside 24 hours. LOL, quick right? It's because staff of life baking is nonetheless novel inwards the house, together with no i got ill of it yet.
We had these buns patently together with it was delicious.

Japanese Cream Buns
Frozen Wings
Original source: Magic Bread by Alex Goh

Ingredients A
120gm staff of life flour
85gm boiling water

Ingredients B
380gm staff of life flour
75gm sugar
6gm salt
8gm instant yeast

Ingredients C
120gm mutual depression temperature milk
100gm whipping cream
1 mutual depression temperature egg

Ingredients D
40gm butter

1 beaten egg for glazing

1. Add the boiling H2O from H5N1 into flour, mix until good blended to shape dough. Cover together with laid aside to cool.Keep it refrigerated for at to the lowest degree 12 hours
2.Mix B until good blended. Add inwards C together with knead to shape petroleum dough. Add inwards H5N1 together with knead until good blended.
3.Add inwards D together with knead to shape elastic dough.that passes the window pane test.
4.Let it proof for 40minutes. Divide dough into 50gm each , mould it circular together with permit balance for 10minutes.
5. Place onto greased pan together with permit proof for to a greater extent than or less other 50minutes.
6. Brush surface of bun amongst egg wash
7. Bake at preheated oven at 170(fan)/190C for 15minutes.

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