Love To Bake Java Pudding Cake - Caffeine Cakes #2

Many years ago, Jusco's bakery had this pudding cake that I actually adore. I volition never neglect to larn at to the lowest degree ane box each time. But it's non cheap, I mean value it's RM4.99 for a few bites, tell close 4X4 only. I ever experience unsatisfied alongside precisely ane box.

Soft sponge, alongside a custard/pudding similar jelly filling in addition to a slightly bitterish java top. I'm inwards heaven.

Blessed Homemaker in ane lawsuit asked me, whether I know of Bangkok Kaya Cake. I have never heard of it. She asked me because it seemed to come upwards from Malaysia. I totally had no sentiment what it was, but she showed me a film in addition to it resembled the pudding cake I in ane lawsuit ate, except the colour is different in Bangkok Kaya Cake.
The sentiment of replicating has been lay aside for many years, but because it needed custard pulverisation in addition to I don't choose it. Until ane day, I had an extra piece of sponge in addition to choose goose egg inwards mind. So, I amend become larn my pack of custard pulverisation in addition to brand this, spell I'm nonetheless wanting to exercise so.

Coffee Pudding Cake
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Tasted in addition to recreated

Coffee layer
1 tsp agar powder
250ml water
25gm sugar
1.5 tsp instant java (I used Nescafe Gold)

Custard Layer
two Tbsp custard powder
125gm sugar
iii tsp agar powder
50ml water
200gm evaporated milk
500ml water
1 tsp vanilla extract

One piece 1 inch tall 8x8inch sponge cake.
(bake a ix inch sponge cake, afterward cooling it volition shrink to slightly bigger than 8 inch, cut the sponge cake to fit)

1. Prepare a 8 inch foursquare pan. Wet it in addition to drip dry. Place sponge cake piece into freezer.
2. Prepare java layer. Mix water, saccharide in addition to agar pulverisation together. Bring to a boil, lower to a simmer for two minutes. Turn off the heat. Mix inwards instant coffee. Pour into prepared pan.
3. Prepare custard pudding layer. Bring 500ml H2O to a boil. Meanwhile mix custard powder, saccharide in addition to agar pulverisation together. Put 50ml H2O into the dry out mixture in addition to combine together. When H2O has come upwards to a boil, lay the mixture into the pot in addition to stir well. Using the container that prepared the custard pulverisation mixture, weigh the evaporated milk (sort of similar rinsing the ingredients off the bowl). When the mixture has come upwards to a boil again, pour the milk into the pot. Mix inwards vanilla extract in addition to allow it simmer for 1 minute. Pour this gently over the java layer (of which should live slightly laid past times now)
4. Let the pudding layer cool down. When a peel has formed over the pudding, rattling very gently house the sponge cake over. Very rattling gently press thence that the sponge layer touches the pudding layer (if it doesn’t autumn into place).
5. Chill for 4-5 hours earlier unmoulding. To unmould, alongside a plastic spatula, brand a slight incision on the side. Then convey the cake to an almost vertical position gently. The sides volition detach from the pan due the describe of gravity. Repeat alongside the residual of iii sides. Place serving plate over cake (still inwards pan), in addition to then flip the cake over. The cake should autumn on to the plate (wait for a spell for gravity to work, but if it doesn’t fall, gently pry it on ane side in addition to the cake should autumn out)

Everybody inwards the household loved this cake. I had guests over that day, Jerry, Jenny in addition to kids all took piece afterward piece. It's rattling Asian inwards taste... thence lamentable if it's non rich plenty for you.

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