Love To Bake Kuih Tako - Kuih Calendar Week # 3

Recipe recreated inwards September 2011

One of my favourites. If you lot accept an big bush of pandan too don't know how to role it up, brand this. This kuih needs a lot of pandan leaves. I made this because I was given a lot of it yesteryear Mike's aunt. Well, equally good that you lot tin also cutting upwards the pandan too role equally cabinet deodorizers, it prevents pesky cockcroaches. Not a must to brand edible things amongst pandan.

I used to brand this amongst my students dorsum inwards Selancar, but that fourth dimension it was amongst cornstarch. Cornstarch yields a softer kuih compared to mung edible bean starch, hence experience costless to role cornstarch if you lot can't become mung edible bean starch.
I used to instruct them using spoon measurements, amongst ii Tbsp of starch per loving cup of liquid. And this time, I worked amongst weight too readjusted the move yesteryear layer's ratio hence that the texture volition hold out fifty-fifty when chilled. Coconut milk layers tends to harden to a greater extent than due to the high fatty content hence the starch ratio must hold out lower. I've tried it iii times to become the texture I'm looking for.

Coming to that lesson amongst my students... I retrieve I taught them the technique too told them to brand v cases each at abode to convey for the cooking session the side yesteryear side time. One student, Syikin (now on my FB list, too she reads this weblog too) came empty handed. I asked her why too she told me, the pandan bush at abode were all eaten yesteryear the wild pigs. LOL. I was close ROTFL. I accept never heard of pigs eating pandan leaves too right away I have. I estimate it must hold out delicious!

If you lot frequent Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam's Ramadhan Food Bazaar, too hence you lot volition reckon a van that sells alone this. But they telephone weep upwards it Tepung Pelita instead, of which isn't hence accurate. The existent tepung pelita is made amongst rice flour without waterchestnuts, too steamed inwards banana leaves, close similiar to kuih limas. Or are they (TP too KL) the same? LOL.

Step yesteryear stride pics are from 1st seek out where the starch content is higher for kokosnoot layer, which is why they expect thicker.

Preparing the casing amongst pandan leaves

How to shape the casing

Cooking too assembling the kuih

If your casings accept holes, create this

Kuih Tako
Recipe source: Wendyywy

Pandan Layer
25gm mung edible bean starch (green bean flour)
250ml pandan juice
60gm sugar
iii H2O chestnuts, peeled too chopped

Coconut layer
15gm mung edible bean starch
125ml water
125ml kokosnoot milk
50gm sugar
Very pocket-size pinch of salt

1. Prepare pandan layer. Mix everything together too ready on medium depression oestrus until it looks transparent too thick.
2. Spoon over prepared casings
3. Prepare kokosnoot layer. Mix everything together too ready on medium depression oestrus until it thickens. Taste, it should no longer gustation floury.
4. Spoon over the pandan layer.
5. Let cool downwards to room temperature too it volition harden. Best served when chilled.

*Note: I won't hold out able to nation you lot how much this volition yield equally it depends on how big your pandan leafage is, of which affects how big your casing volition plough out. If you lot accept excess, merely position them into pocket-size tea cups. Works good this agency too.

I'm submitting this to
hosted yesteryear SSB of Small Small Baker
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