Love To Bake Kumquat Marmalade - Kumquat # 2

Delicious! Fragrant! Yum yum yum! It's to a greater extent than fragrant than orangish marmalade, but minus the bitterness. Isn't that a adept deal?

Kumquats are all the same available inward Tesco, as well as thus larn select grip of them spell y'all all the same can! (Medan Ipoh Branch no more, concluding Sunday!!, but I all the same saw them inward Kampar on CNY solar daytime 3. Saw two patheric punnets inward Jusco Ipoh) Or simply larn them off your tree, ahahah! No no... if it's a newly bought tree similar mine, delight hold off for the adjacent batch of fruits.

You tin role this equally a spread on bread, or brand cakes or desserts amongst it. I chose to role stone saccharide to brand this marmalade as well as thus that... hmm... it won't last likewise sweetness due to the absense of lemon juice. Kumquats are total of rind as well as or as well as thus no flesh, as well as thus it's total of pectin.

Try this out unless y'all desire to hold off for adjacent year.

Kumquat Marmalade
Recipe source: Wendyywy

500gm kumquats
500ml water
250gm stone sugar

1. Half kumquats as well as take away seeds.
2. Place all kumquats inward a pot. Put inward H2O as well as sugar.
3. Bring to a boil as well as lower to a simmer for 15-20 minutes. Check on kumquats. If they accept softened. Turn off the heat. Let it cool downward a bit.
4. Blend kumquats coarsely or finely (up to you) as well as supply it to the pot. The kumquat puree volition await opaque.
5. Meanwhile sterilize two jam jars.
6. Cook the puree on medium depression rut until it looks glossy. (you tin produce the wrinkle test, it volition form)
7. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars as well as encompass it immediately. When it cools the security seal volition larn down. Do non opened upward jars until fourth dimension to consume.
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