Love To Bake Mrs Ngsk's Butter Cake - Butter Cake # 3

This is a side piece, non the middle, but it's sooooooo flat.

I don’t know virtually you. But I used to abhor how brusque my butter cakes are.

Well, mayhap I desire value for money. Butter is non cheap, therefore I desire a BIG cake for the block of butter, LOL.
I’ve tried using methods to brand a large cake w/o using to a greater extent than butter similar adding lots of liquid, as well as so flour, but results bring ever been non favourable. Cracks as well as huge ones. Tried egg separation method, but all the same non actually similar equally large equally I would similar it. Actually I don’t actually withdraw heed the cracks on butter cakes. But I’d simply similar to effort making 1 cake, simply that 1 cake that doesn’t crack. I solely desire to dispel the jinx inwards me. Whether it’s due to me or the recipe.

I am ever inwards awe of Mrs Ng’s butter cakes, large (9X16) but no cracks. I was wondering, did she mix one-half margarine or is it sum butter or what… Because when I brand such cakes alongside margarine (back when I was all the same inwards my teens) they don’t crack. So, 1 twenty-four lx minutes menstruation I mustered upwardly my courage as well as asked her for her recipe of which she gladly gave me verbally. The master copy recipe is 250gm butter, but Mrs Ng told me, she tried reducing to 230gm as well as it was fine. So, I followed suit. And mine indeed turned out tall, fluffy as well as no cracks!
So forthwith I know, I’m non jinxed alongside cracked buttercakes. It’s the recipe, non me, LOL!

FYI, Mrs Ng is a swain church building friend inwards Kampar Wesley. She ever bakes for church building events.

Mrs NgSK's Vanilla Butter Cake
Recipe source: Mrs Ng SK
Method past times WendyinKK

230gm butter (salted), softened (cool at 18-20C, non glossy)
200gm eggs, no shell (4 story B eggs)
50gm + 150gm sugar
200gm self raising flour, sifted.
60ml milk
1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)

1. Preheat oven at 180C (conventional). (I solely purpose 170C). Prepare a 8 inch foursquare pan. Line the base of operations as well as grease the sides (greasing helps the cake’s sides to rising well)
2. Separate the eggs, as well as house the whites into a medium sized bowl (6 loving cup capacity)Beat egg whites until soft peaks, gradually add together 50gm saccharide as well as rhythm out until stiff. Set aside.
3. Cream butter as well as 150gm saccharide until pale as well as fluffy (KA speed 2-4 ). Put inwards vanilla seeds as well as and rhythm out for a while. Put inwards egg yolks 1 past times 1 as well as rhythm out good later on each addition.
4. Put inwards one-half the flour as well as mix on depression speed until incorporated. Put inwards milk inwards ii additions as well as mix until good incorporated. Mix inwards residual of flour.
5. Put one-half the egg whites inwards as well as mix on depression speed. Pour the residual of egg whites inwards as well as FOLD.
6. Pour batter into pan as well as level.
7. Bake for 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean. (I reduced to 150C for the final fifteen minutes because the exceed seems to hold out getting dark)

*Note: I did stride ii as well as iii simultaneously. Butter inwards the stand upwardly mixer as well as egg whites alongside the mitt mixer.

And when the cake came out of the oven, my jaw dropped. I did non solely acquire a non cracked butter cake, I got a FLAT cake. OMG OMG! This is double bonus! Fluffy as well as soft!

Lesson of the twenty-four lx minutes menstruation is, don't hold out stingy alongside butter.
Yes, I've learnt my lesson.
Mrs Ng, Thank you lot so so so much

For those of you lot who wishing to effort this cake as well as weblog virtually it, please credit Mrs NgSK as the master copy owner, that is if you've used it equally it is, or adapted it to your liking. It's her recipe, non mine.
But as well as so again, at that spot are a lot of similiar recipes out there, I won't know. It's simply a thing of conscience.

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