Love To Bake Sesame Beancurd Crisps 芝麻巧果 - Cny Crispies # 3

This is roughly other traditional Chinese snack. There are ii types, i is called DanSan 蛋散 and roughly other QiaoGuo 巧果. You likely powerfulness guide keep heard almost the give-and-take DanSan from Southpark, Cantonese version. Cartman(fat boy) is known equally Dansan inwards the translated version. Dansan is likewise used to depict mortal who is useless. "Lei jek dansan la, zhan mou yoong!" 你只蛋散啦,真没用

What's the deviation betwixt these 2?

QiaoGuo is made alongside beancurd dough together with is unglazed. Sesame seeds is a must. Can locomote flat, or twisted
DanSan is made from an eggy dough together with is glazed alongside carbohydrate syrup. Sesame seeds is optional. It comes inwards twisted shape only.

Flat qiaoguo

I genuinely grew upwards eating Dansan made past times a quondam lady living across the street. And DanSans are made big, 4-5 inches long, together with I loved the carbohydrate syrup coating. She was an quondam widow who sold traditional Cantonese treats inwards the market. Sweet white patato balls were sold at 10 sen for 3, together with dansan were 10 sen each. That was at to the lowest degree 27 years ago. I was yet really very small. I wonder if her alone adopted son yet knew how to brand them...He's a mechanic now.

Anyway, dorsum to my QiaoGuo. These weren't equally soft equally shop bought. Maybe.. they added inwards roughly fatty into the dough. My aunt did endeavour making Dansan i time alongside margarine inwards the dough (traditional ones don't) together with indeed it's to a greater extent than crumbly rather than all difficult together with crispy. Or mayhap I didn't gyre it super super thin. But I produce detect those apartment ones tasting much better.

My married adult man says, the sense of savor is there, the texture isn't, because he was comparison to shop bought ones. Anyway.... in that place volition ever locomote a adjacent time, roughly other fourth dimension to endeavour roughly other version
You tin try eating shop bought version from Bee's Bakery. I'm suspecting they did seat inwards roughly shortening to shape the dough.

I genuinely tried making these from ii recipes together with this is the ameliorate one.

Sesame Beancurd Crisps
Recipe taken from YanHuoJian with tiddler adaptations

200gm all role flour
50gm carbohydrate (I mean value
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
50gm white sesame seeds
20gm dark sesame seeds
1 egg
80gm work solid tofu, crush alongside fork
Tapioca Starch for dusting

1. Combine all dry out ingredients together with mix to combine thoroughly.
2. Add egg together with mashed tofu into the dry out ingredients together with knead until a dough forms.
3. Leave dough for xxx minutes, covered.
4. Roll dough equally sparse equally you lot can. Dust alongside tapioca starch if needed.
5. Cut dough into rectangles.
6. Stack ii rectangles together.Cut iii slits vertically
7. Take i terminate together with convey it through the middle slit. Pull it slightly.
8. Repeat stride 6-7 until all dough is used up.
9. Heat a wok of boil, deep fry on medium oestrus until lightly golden (it volition darken farther upon cooling) together with drain off excess oil.
10. When cooled, shop inwards air tight container.

Still inwards Pyjamas together with luckily they haven't change. They got all floury afterwards playing

With this Fire Cracker,
Let me terminate the final of my CNY treats alongside a large BANG!
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