Love To Bake Topo Map Dear Cake / Kek Alunan Kasih - Butter Cake # 1

Recipe tried inward March 2011

When Roz of Home Kreation said this cake looked similar a map, it reminded me of the topographic maps that nosotros used to larn inward Geo class. I retrieve reading the contour lines, in addition to how to calculate the temperature deviation betwixt the lines. And how I enjoyed the start x questions inward PMR’s Geo paper, at that spot were all related to the topo map. Hence, I added the topo give-and-take into the name. The actual translation of the advert should live "Waves of Love Cake"

What was your favourite dependent champaign dorsum inward school?
To your dismay (*ahem), mine was non habitation science (never studied this inward school, but alone “Living Skills” amongst habitation scientific discipline elective, haha, non a truthful HS paper).

Mine has ever been Geography.

To me, Geography is alive. The countries, the earth’s surfaces, the rivers, the mountains, the distribution of works life in addition to fauna, the volcanoes, the weather, the climates….. are all relatable to me. I tin never read history the agency I could read geography. History is distant, mutual frigidity in addition to mayhap I don’t similar reading history inward BM (I’ve nix against the language), but Geography spells differently to me. It is taught inward the same language, but it only feels alive.

I retrieve my PMR exam. I did my Geography newspaper inward less than xxx minutes. When the start xxx minutes was up, I only stood upwardly in addition to walked out of the hall, much to the horror of many. Those who came out later, asked me whether at that spot was something wrong, in addition to why I came out in addition to thus early. I only smiled in addition to said, nix wrong. My Geo results has never been whatever less than an A. But it all ended after PMR. For Form four Science stream, Geography was non inward the selection of subjects, but History was made compulsory!!! How I hated it.

I never ever did ok for history in addition to was on the brink of failing it for SPM. P8, Muahahahahaha!
Geography, how I dear thee. May this cake live an ode of my dear to thee.

Topo Map Love Cake (Kek alunan kasih)
Home Keation
Original source: Pn. Mastura Yasak

250gm butter
250gm sugar
v medium eggs
300gm cake flour +1 tsp baking powder
125ml evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp pandan paste
Cocoa pulverisation for creating the topo lines (I used some iii Tbsp)

1. Cream butter in addition to saccharide until pale in addition to fluffy.
2. Beat inward eggs, i past times one, beating good after each addition.
3. Sift one-half the flour into the butter mixture in addition to compaction on depression speed until good combined.
4. Mix inward the evaporated milk until good combined.
5. Sift the residuum of flour into the mixture in addition to compaction on depression speed until combined.
6. Divide the batter to two. Mix vanilla extract to i utilization in addition to pandan glue to the other.
7. Preheat oven to 160(fan)/180C. Prepare a 8 inch pan, lined at the base.
8. Spread 1/2 the pandan batter (or vanilla whichever you lot prefer) into pan. Level it.
9. Evenly sift a sparse layer of cocoa pulverisation over.
10. Very really gently dollop one-half of the other color over in addition to gently degree it. Repeat the sifting of cocoa powder.
11. Repeat layering amongst both colours, amongst the lastly layer build clean (no cocoa pulverisation on top).
12. Bake for 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.

This is my 2d attempt. The pandan glue is from a dissimilar manufacturer.

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