Love To Bake Woo Ha (Crispy Taro Shreds, Hong Kong Style) 港式芋虾 - Cny Crispies # 2

Woo Ha .... It literally translates every bit Taro Prawns. H5N1 Cantonese Chinese New Year's Day Treat.

Is it almost extinct here? Is it so?

I'm non sure. But I intend it's non really good known because it was super irksome to make. Very!!! And expensive too. Taros are non cheap.

When people inquire me what am I making amongst the taro I bought, they went blank when I said Woo Ha. They asked what is Woo Ha? . Prawns wrapped amongst taro?? There's no prawns inwards it, but the sometime fashioned agency of making it, does expect similar prawns. See Lily's receive got on this.

When I outset learnt to brand this dorsum when I was inwards my teens. It was taught to me inwards a cooking session during Girls' Brigade past times my Captain, Ms Wong. How I hated curling the taro shreds amongst a chopstick together with asset the "prawn" inwards the hot stone oil all the fourth dimension (with chopstick nevertheless on). My hands together with arms felt so tired together with hot! One tin entirely little each prawn at 1 time, because the chopstick must concord on to the "prawn" or else the "prawn" volition acquire loose together with expect similar Medusa.

This fourth dimension around, I told myself I demand to notice a agency roughly this if I desire to brand this. I don't desire to endure pinching the taro shreds all the fourth dimension to fry. I surfed the cyberspace together with saw Hongkies making this ball shaped (see video) and they used a tea strainer to do it!! So cute. I went roughly town searching for 1 but institute none. I could entirely acquire a HotPot wire ladle. Does it move too??? Hmm... non until I saw this video that I was conviced it could.

This is the tea infuser. Has anyone seen this anywhere inwards Malaysia?

And I'm happy to become handsfree to do it this time. Still needed to purpose my hands, but non beingness stuck over the hot stone oil all the time, yous see. And it's really very tardily this time.... I could do 1kg of taro inwards only ii hours, amongst cutting, slicing together with frying, hehehehehe. Thanks to the Hongkie's fashion of making them circular amongst a ladle together with non using chopsticks. And I also added inwards some coriander, only similar how the Hongkies does it.

1. Prepare the ingredients.
First, launder together with dry out the taro inwards the Sun for 1-2 hours or drip dry out it for a few hours. Reason, taros are dingy together with yous can't rinse them afterwards yous peel them. The taro turns slippery together with volition ITCH your hands. So, peel build clean skins to minimize soiling your taro flesh during peeling. Brush off whatever dirt or peel bits that happened to reason the flesh afterwards peeling amongst a newspaper towel. Prepare other ingredients too. I used local taro which is long together with has a to a greater extent than fifty-fifty width. Thai taros are circular together with short, hence giving uneven length shreds together with shorter, unless yous tin acquire actually long Thai taros.

2. Prepare the taro shreds..
*Warning* Do non purpose shredder, else the taro shreds volition endure likewise thick together with wet.
Either yous tin do it the Hongkies way, which is while amongst a knife and shred amongst a peeler. See video

But I notice my fingers inwards a high run a jeopardy seat amongst the Hongkie method together with reversed the method. I definitely prefer this way, while amongst mandolin/peeler together with so shred amongst knife. No demand to while amongst knife likewise thinly, either 1 dimension is thin, that is enough. When both dimensions are the same, somehow it's non that prissy to eat. Let's say, if the mandolin gives yous 1mm thickness, while it virtually 2-3mm amongst knife. The mouthfeel is improve this way. The pictures below lets yous run into almost equal dimensions, but then.. I did some other endeavour amongst dissimilar dimensions, together with I tell you... that is better.

3. Season the shreds
Mix the seasonings together, together with so toss it into the weighed taro shreds. When it turns slightly sticky, seat inwards the sesame seeds together with toss it roughly to stick well.

4. Shaping together with frying
Either purpose chopsticks to curl upward similar eating pasta, or only purpose your fingers. Wrap a ii inch long coriander inwards or acquire out it out, every bit yous wish.
Put the shaped taro shreds into a heated wire ladle together with little (do non fully submerge until the base's cast is set). Release from ladle together with little until both sides are golden together with drain on newspaper towels.

5. Storing
When woo har has cooled, proceed inwards air tight containers.

Woo Har (Crispy Taro Shreds) 港式芋虾
Recipe source: Concocted past times Wendyywy afterwards watching the videos above

250gm taro shreds (not the weight of whole taro)
ii Tbsp gluey rice flour
½ tsp chicken stock pulverization
½ tsp five spice pulverization (get a practiced 1 from the Chinese herbal shops that is w/o colouring)
Dash of pepper
ii Tbsp sesame seeds
Coriander, washed together with air dried (optional)

Method: Refer above

Warning: Do non volume season. Do it batch past times batch, weigh each batch properly. Taros acquire overseasoned really very easily. And when they are left seasoned for likewise long, they acquire likewise sticky together with volition clump together likewise much.

How does this gustation like???? If yous dear noodle snacks similar Mamee, I guarantee that yous volition dear this. I am a Mamee monster myself, so I loved this to bits, hahaha. The coriander doesn't acquire out whatever fragrance inwards it at all, but only enhances it visually only. So, all yous coriander haters, don't worry virtually this light-green thing.

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