Love To Bake Acs Kampar Noodle Soup - Noodle Calendar Week # 2

My secondary schoolhouse (13-17 age) had a actually large canteen. How large? As long equally vi classrooms, equally broad equally two labs. Everyday we’d await frontward to account fourth dimension together with then that nosotros tin run downwardly together with live the get-go inwards delineate to larn our food. Each session of break(3 sessions inwards total), you’d encounter 800 students scrambling to the canteen (the schoolhouse had 48 classes inwards the morning time together with xvi classes inwards the afternoon, together with then two sessions inwards the morning time together with i inwards the afternoon) . So, yous ameliorate non live the last

It was run amongst a few vendors, rather than i major operator. During my time, at that topographic point were two Indian stalls, two Malay Stalls, two Chinese stalls, two drinks stalls together with i Kacang Putih stall.. Overall, the schoolhouse had iii versions of nasi lemak, four versions of fried noodles (2 Indian 1 Malay together with 1 Chinese), two versions of noodle soup (malay together with Chinese), chicken rice, thosai, roti canai/pratha, mushroom noodle, chee cheong fun(with lots of “liew” to select from), assam laksa, cekodok, currypuff, keropok lekor, lots of kacang putih(Indian snacks) together with twenty varieties of drinks. 

We rarely encounter students bringing nutrient to school, together with most of us create consume at school. Food is inexpensive together with good. Cheaper than chief school. H5N1 bowl of noodle soup (plain, whatever variety) exclusively costs forty sen, a 10oz loving cup of watermelon juice or soy edible bean exclusively cost us xxx sen. Nasi lemak comes inwards forty sen together with 50 sen portions together with chicken rice is exclusively RM1. Thosai together with roti canai/pratha is only…. xxx sen!!! Why convey nutrient when the nutrient inwards the canteen is together with then affordable(20% -40%)less than exterior nutrient that fourth dimension together with most of all, they are all delicious. The exclusively nutrient that was measure priced compared to exterior nutrient is chee cheong fun. For those of yous who know Kampar, Kampar is a house known for skilful local food, together with fifty-fifty the schoolhouse canteen won’t live whatever worse. If they serve “edible” food, they won’t live inwards delineate of piece of occupation concern for long.

Few years afterward I left school, the canteen organization changed due to the declining amount of students. One operator took over the whole canteen together with the nutrient is null to scream about. Mission schools were no longer the selection schoolhouse compared to Chinese schools. The schoolhouse is inwards bad shape together with well, it’s no longer the overstep schoolhouse inwards town. Used to accept 12 classes inwards each shape together with now… only 2??? Sounds actually piteous right? But what tin i create amongst the alter inwards instruction trends?

Today I tried to build the Malay stall’s “mee sup”. The noodles were served inwards a exceptional broth, that tin live industrial plant life no where. Well, possibly at that topographic point is out there, but I’ve never eaten i amongst all the Malays eateries I’ve been to. When e'er I lodge this, I’d encounter how they’d stir the pot together with all the materials within is visible to me. I tried to recreate this dish, together with I dare to say, I’m pretty nigh it. The makcik (Malay for auntie) used prawn heads(from the prawns she run to build sambal udang for the nasi lemak) together with chicken carcass equally the base of operations for the broth. It’s non a curry, but is lightly infused amongst kokosnoot milk to add together some sweetness together with fragrant border to it. It was non hot together with spicy similar a curry, but fragrantly spiced amongst local aromatics.

My dearest readers who are my seniors or my juniors, I’m certain this dish brings dorsum memories for you, at to the lowest degree it does for me.

ACS Kampar Noodle Soup
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Inspired by: The Malay nutrient stall inwards ACS Secondary Kampar (91-95, the years I was there)
Serves: 6-8pax

Soup Base
3-4 cups of prawns shells +heads
450gm chicken pectus (half of a large pectus amongst bones together with skin)
3 cloves garlic
iii shallots
iii reddish chillies
50gm ginger (peeled weight)
30gm galangal (lengkuas, peeled weight)
four lemon grass
1 Malay soup spice handbag (sup bunjut, together with it consist of coriander seeds, fennel, dark pepper, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, together with star anise)
1/2 Tbsp tamarind glue (adabi brand)
½ loving cup kokosnoot milk
3L water
Some cooking oil

1. Smash ginger, galangal together with lemon grass. Blend shallots, garlic together with chilli to a paste.
2.Put some cooking crude inwards pot together with saute the blended ingredients until fragrant.
3. Put inwards H2O together with convey to a boil.
4. Put inwards chicken, soup bag, ginger, galangal, lemon grass together with prawn shells. Simmer for xxx minutes.
5. Fish out chicken pectus together with exit it to cool.
6. Put inwards tamarind glue together with kokosnoot milk. Simmer for another 30 minutes.
7. Shred chicken meat together with flavor soup amongst salt.
8. Strain soup together with reheat when it's fourth dimension to serve.

edible bean sprouts
200gm rice vermicelli (to live soaked )
500gm xanthous noodles
Shredded chicken from the stock
Chopped saltation onions together with Chinese celery (It’s 芹菜or daun sup, together with it’s a must)

1. Bring a pot of H2O to boil.
2. Lightly blanch edible bean sprouts, ready it aside.
2. Bring H2O dorsum to boil together with position inwards soaked rice vermicelli together with blanch for 10-15 seconds. Drain.
3. Blanch xanthous noodles for 15- twenty seconds together with drain.
4. Put noodles of preference into bowl. Top amongst shredded chicken together with edible bean sprouts. Ladle soup over together with sprinkle amongst chopped saltation onions together with chinese celery.

See yous on Fri with Everybody's Favourite Fried Noodle... the CKT
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