Love To Bake Berrylicious Yogurt H2o Ice Cream - Berry Calendar Week #3

This is a cleaning the refrigerator H2O ice cream.

The strawberries has been inwards my freezer for many many months. More than nine months, I guess. And a punnet of blueberries most on the brink of existence totally dried upwardly past times the fridge, one-half a lemon left from a rhubarb juice, a carton of one-half finished yogurt together with a fighting of whipping cream left inwards a large carton.

What amend agency than to purpose them all upwardly inwards an H2O ice cream. So I made this up.. together with the resultant was actually good. But weirdly, this melted faster than my Blueberry Ripple Yogurt Ice Cream, although this version contains to a greater extent than gelatin. The actual fact is that this version contains to a greater extent than cream than the one-time version. Maybe that’s why.. maybe.. I’m maxim maybe.

I likewise made around into popsicles

Berrylicious Yogurt Ice Cream
Recipe source: Wendyywy

125gm blueberries
125gm strawberries, hulled
100gm sugar
ii Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp lemon zest
1 tsp gelatin
1 Tbsp water

170gm manifestly yogurt
300gm whipping cream

1. Cook strawberry blueberries together with saccharide until the syrup turns into a dainty violet colour.
2. Turn off the oestrus together with seat inwards lemon zest together with juice.
3. Let it cool downwards together with blitz to a puree. Set aside.
4. Place gelatin together with H2O into a larger bowl. Let it sit down for ii minutes.
5. Heat 1/3 of the puree until it is hot together with pour into gelatin mixture. Stir until gelatin melts.
6. Mix amongst the residuum of the puree. Combine amongst the yogurt.
7. In a mutual frigidness bowl, whip the cream to soft peaks.
8. Pour 1/4 of the puree into the whipped cream together with flexure amongst a whisk.
9. Repeat pace (8)
10. Pour inwards all the puree together with fold.
11. Pour H2O ice cream mixture into prepared moulds (a loaf pan or popsicle moulds)
12. Chill overnight until totally frozen.

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers March 2011 Fruity March
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