Love To Bake Dried Together With Fresh Bok Choy Soup - Soup Calendar Week #3

I’ve seen a TVB documentary on food, as well as the host was treated to a dried as well as fresh bokchoy soup. But her soup looked milky as well as white instead of mine looking as well as thus clear, hahahaha.

Actually I didn’t know what was inwards the soup as well as thus I only threw inwards any I intend mightiness brand the soup nice. But it doesn’t expect similar what I saw on TV. Was it that the soup was boiled amongst pork lungs? I forgot, but here’s soup for y'all to drive if y'all similar “choy gon tong”

Dried as well as Fresh Bok Choy Soup
Recipe Source: Wendyywy

50gm dried Bok Choy
400gm fresh Bok Choy
i large carrot
¼ of a human foot long dried octopus
250gm pork loin or 300gm pork ribs
2.5L water
Salt as well as pepper to taste

1. Soak dried bok choy until it softens as well as cutting into two inch lengths.
2. Peel as well as cutting carrot into slanting chunks, rinse as well as snip octopus into i inch slices
3. Boil H2O as well as pose inwards carrots, octopus, dried bok choy as well as pork.
4. Boil for two hours.
5. Wash as well as cutting fresh bok choy into two inch lengths.
6. Put fresh bok choy into the soup as well as boil for thirty minutes
7. Season amongst common salt as well as pepper.

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