Love To Bake Eggs Baked Inwards Ham In Addition To Tater Hash - Tater Calendar Week # 1

A calendar week of schoolhouse pause passed past times thus quickly. Now that Lydia is inwards kindergarden, I produce experience the spirit of schoolhouse holidays, the breath of relief that I produce non demand to wake upwards that early on to railroad train her, hahahaha!!
Well, I didn't teach anywhere except dorsum to my mom's for a few days in addition to coming together upwards amongst Lena over for lunch. I didn't possess got whatever pictures amongst her, except that to say you, she's a real prissy lady. She came to alternative me upwards at my mom's every bit I didn't drive that time, wasn't allowed to! We chatted for almost.... iv hours. Hahaha, if it's non for the rain, it'll hold upwards fifty-fifty longer. Thanks Lena for the tarts, my nieces walloped every piece except for 1 that I ate. Hahah!

I had been sewing in addition to sewing during the schoolhouse break. xiv windows in addition to drinking glass doors needs to hold upwards adorned amongst curtains, which brings to xiv pairs of curtains in addition to xiii pairs of screens, which comes to 27 pairs = 54 pieces of curtains!!! Crazy? Yes. My SIL asked me, why didn't I merely pay to teach it done. Gosh, if you lot possess got invested inwards a skillful sewing car in addition to all the same pay thousands to teach the curtains... thus the car would've gone wasted. I alone used less than RM600 for 54 pieces of curtains. Less than 10% of what I would've been charged to teach it done.

Many years back, I bought a mass at Doulos. If you lot possess got no stance what Doulos is, it’s a send that sells books. Yes, you lot teach on the send in addition to purchase books!!! It was alone RM10 for a 256 color filled province kitchen cookbook. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 steal, thus I didn’t actually hold off through.

That time, I wasn’t exposed much to western food, also what fast nutrient outlets offering or, Steak houses(The Ship, Victoria Station, in addition to the rest), thus called western nutrient that are all steaks, potatoes in addition to boiled vege. When I flipped the mass when I got home, I was alone interested inwards 1 recipe, Duck Casserole amongst Chestnuts. The residual seemed unappetizing to me. Casseroles in addition to everything jumbled upwards inwards 1 pan is non my affair that time.

Now, every bit I grew older, in addition to every bit my cooking noesis increases through blogging in addition to surfing, I seem to teach beyond the looks in addition to hold off into the recipes.
Few days dorsum (or months back), piece chatting amongst Pei-Lin, I flipped through this mass again, in addition to I merely establish myself mesmerized past times thus so many of the recipes inwards a mass I in 1 lawsuit made a white elephant.

Here’s the get-go recipe I tried from this white elephant that volition instantly hold upwards made a treasure trove.

Eggs baked inwards Ham in addition to Potato Hash
Recipe source: Country Cook's Companion past times Liz Trigg
Servings: 4
200gm cooked ham (I used ham chips, in addition to requested for the thicker chips)
200gm cooked russet potatoes (2 medium sized ones)
1 tin of corn nibbles (the large one, I added this, because it's on the brink of expiry. It wasn't inwards the recipe itself)
3 pieces sliced cheddar cheese (That's the alone cheese I have)
1 medium sized onion (about 70gm)
ii Tbsp Ketchup (I forgot to put, in addition to it'll definately sense of savor improve amongst this)
200ml whipping cream (I set this inwards end infinitesimal because I was worried virtually the dish beingness dry)
iv eggs
Salt in addition to freshly soil dark pepper
50gm butter
1 heaped tsp chopped fresh rosemary (I had a pot of this, had**)
Some parsley for garnish


1. Dice ham, potatoes, cheese in addition to chop the onion.
2. Preheat oven at 160/180
3. In a pan, melt one-half the butter in addition to and pour the butter into a 8 inch baking dish/4 pocket-size dishes. Swirl the butter around in addition to pour dorsum into the pan.
4. Put inwards chopped rosemary in addition to allow it rut for few seconds. Pour rosemary infused butter into a bowl, Set aside.
5. Melt remaining butter in addition to laid the onions until soft.
6. Pour the onions into a large bowl in addition to set inwards ham, potatoes, cheese, in addition to ketchup.
7. Taste. If non salty enough, flavour amongst tabular array salt in addition to pepper.
8. Spread the mixture inwards the buttered dish/dishes.
9. Make iv wells inwards the dish/dishes (picture above), drizzle inwards the whipping cream in addition to bake for xv minutes.
10. Remove from oven in addition to pour egg into the wells in addition to and drizzle the rosemary infused butter over the dish.
11. Bake for some other 15-20 minutes until eggs are set.
12. Garnish amongst parsley in addition to serve.

My kids loved this dish. Especially Lydia
Picture taken months ago, they produce hold off older now.
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