Love To Bake Macarons Alongside Huckleberry Compote Buttercream - Huckleberry Calendar Week # 2

Last two weeks when I went to KL to run across upwardly alongside beau bloggers similar Swee San, Reese, Sonia, Ann too Veronica, Swee San brought a box of macarons. She knew my outset sense alongside macarons was a nightmare. When she described inwards her blog that it was sugariness til the roots of my teeth, it was truly understated. The fact was, it was thus sugariness that it burned my throat. She had been hoping that I would i twenty-four hours alter my heed most these sugary UFOs. When I took the ones that she made too ate one, I was surprised that it was a lot to a greater extent than pleasant. It was sugariness no doubt, but non that that crazily sugariness that I can’t swallow. But after that, it was ok. Macarons are meant to hold upwardly sweet, thus don’t become most finding i that is non sweet, only non crazily sweet.

Then Sonia mentioned that there’s i bakery downstairs (of where nosotros were that day) selling macs for RM3.90 a pair. We went “Woah! So pricey”. Then Swee San told us, it’s non difficult to brand too she didn’t fifty-fifty ease her macs. Baked them directly away. And that got us interested. Veronica (Quay Po) was the first on the bespeak for macs, too thus adjacent came…………. Me! Why I was this quick? Not because I cruel inwards dear alongside macs, but I had unopen to buttercream left over from Lydia’s bloom cake.

Swee San rapidly got her macarons posted for me too I rapidly made it. And at nowadays I’m rapidly posting it. I wasn’t that confident, too I told her, I’m going to risk my 100gm of almond meal, thus hither I go.
I used freshly cracked eggs, but non freshly set eggs. I saw Cynthia of Mumto4Angels had success alongside fresh eggs which was why I dared to. Come to retrieve of it, inwards Malaysia how fresh tin give notice eggs be. If yous move out them inwards our room temperature for a few days, they’ll H2O too the yolk spreads similar nobody’s business. It’s dissimilar overseas where their room temp is much cooler, the eggs stays fresher longer. So, only crevice upwardly unopen to 4 twenty-four hours one-time eggs too used them directly away.

I halved her recipe too my egg whites were rather underwhipped earlier I added inwards the saccharide syrup. So, my meringue was rather slacky. I whacked it for almost 10 minutes, arms were sore, even thus no peaks formed, nor create they gain whatever volume. Darn, halt it la! Anyway, I didn’t promise for whatever success. LOL. I folded it into the almond mixture, got it into the correct consistency, piped them on the pan too sprinkled on unopen to coloured sugar.

When it was baking…………… tadah! Feet appeared! But it looks to a greater extent than similar petticoat to me, LOL.

Swee San warned me, making this is addictive. Not because it is terribly delicious, but the procedure itself is rather challenging too the possibilities of flavour, colour  too combination is only also fun to explore. I mightiness hold upwardly trying out the french method because I tin give notice move alongside 1 egg instead of a minimum two alongside this recipe.
I already receive got a few combinations inwards my caput too let's only watch when volition I brand them into reality.

The Filling Process

The consequence of my outset endeavour
  First tray was baked almost similar a shot too the 2d tray was baked after the 1st was done. So, yous could watch higher feet on the 2nd. Rest or create non ease earlier baking, hold off at the visuals too yous create upwardly one's heed for yourself. I left the 2d tray inwards the oven longer every bit I was bathing my kids, the oven was off, but the ease estrus browned them. If yous similar them to hold upwardly white too non cream coloured, accept them out asap when they are done.

Due to my inexperience, I piped  the outset few also closely. Some became triplets too duplets. Luckily I had a dyad of them each, thus I tin give notice fill upwardly them upwardly every bit triplets too duplets. There was i one quadruplet, but Lydia ripped them off too chomped on them without my consent! I had to halt her from eating to a greater extent than too she was crying for more. Well, I haven't fill upwardly them upwardly yous see. She loved it. No thing how I tell her, I'm going to pose yummy cream inwards it, she won't listen. So, inwards the end, I had to demonstrate her Swee San's macaron post too asked her ," Do yous desire it similar this or similar Swee San Che Che's burger biscuit?" Immediately she said, "I don't desire to consume now, consume later on similar burger". Then she went off for her nap, too got her burger correct after she woke up.

My girls loved this, particularly Lydia. Asking for the burger biscuits or 'macaroni' few times inwards a day. Lyanne prefers them without the cream. But on the outset day, she was fine alongside the cream, but perchance when the macaron has aged, when it turned chewy, Lyanne didn't similar it. Lydia volition lick too lick the cream too goes, "yummy", LOL.

Pictures taken when they had their outset macaron, correct after they woke upwardly from their afternoon nap.

Macarons alongside Blueberry Compote Buttercream
Recipe source: The Sweet Spot
*Please see Swee San's weblog for footstep past times footstep pictures

Almond mixture
100gm almond meal
100gm icing sugar
37gm egg white (from 1 Grade Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 egg)
Small pinch of salt

37gm egg white (from 1 Grade Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 egg)
100gm sugar
25gm water

Violet Sugar
1 Tbsp sugar
1 teeny weeny blob of purple nutrient colour

1. Pulse almond repast alongside icing saccharide inwards blender/mill too sift once.
2. Mix almond mixture alongside 37gm egg white too salt. Set aside.
3. Cook saccharide too H2O until it reaches 118C.
4. When the syrup reaches 105C, trounce egg white until medium peaks.
5. When syrup reaches 118C, pour it into egg whites alongside beaters running on depression speed.
6. Turn speed to medium high too trounce meringue until rigid too glossy (mine was all slacky, but glossy)
7. Stir 1/3 of meringue into almond mixture.
8. Pour almond mixture into meringue too fold(not stir) until batter is able to autumn without draw after a count to 10.
9. Place batter into a piping purse alongside a obviously 1cm nozzle. Pipe dollops of batter onto a lined baking tray (I used Tesco’s baking newspaper too they are tardily to hold upwardly removed).
10. Preheat oven to 150C (fan off).
11. Rub unopen to saccharide alongside purple color paste. Sprinkle on transcend of piped batter.
12. Bake for fourteen minutes on the lower third of oven.
13. Remove from tray (with paper) too allow it ease on a rack to cool down.
14. Peel macarons off too dyad them alongside similar sizes.
15. Put one-half a teaspoon of huckleberry compote buttercream onto i macaron too transcend alongside unopen to other piece.
16. Place covered air tight too proceed inwards refrigerator overnight earlier consuming.

Blueberry Compote Buttercream
50gm fresh blueberries
1 tsp sugar
½ Tbsp lemon juice
100gm Swiss Meringue Buttercream
Cook fresh blueberries alongside saccharide until juice ooze out, but non mushy. Turn estrus off too pose inwards lemon juice. Let it cool downward totally too mix to combine alongside buttercream
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