Love To Bake Okra Amongst Spicy Caramelized Onions - Beans # 1

First together with foremost, okra is non a bean.  Botanically it's a fruit, beingness inwards the same household unit of measurement every bit Hibiscus.
But generally, here, culinary wise,  it's called a edible bean due to it's longish shape. Just similar pino nuts are non existent nuts, exactly are called nuts. Same goes to macadamia which is a heart together with non a existent nut. If you lot watched Masterchef Commonwealth of Australia ii you lot would've remembered the twenty-four hours Marion, Jonathan together with Aaron were tested their 'nut' knowledge.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 dish that I made upward out of nowhere since many years ago.

There are few ways for me to develop okra together with this is i of my favourites. Okra is a veggie that is pretty much similar aubergine or egg plant. Either you lot dear it or you lot loathe it.
Mike hates it together with I dear it. And together with then alongside opportunities to dine alongside my inlaws, I larn to develop Mike’s most hated veggie together with non terminate upward eating it myself. My MIL together with aunt loved this dish a lot.

For okras, create non purchase huge ones every bit they are one-time together with fibrous. Makes you lot chew together with spit because it’s nearly impossible to swallow. I e'er purchase minor ones, those that you lot create non encounter bulging seeds. I normally croak for those slightly longer than my fingers together with they are tender together with sweet.

The okra inwards this dish doesn’t accept much flavouring, exactly it’s the caramelized onions that give it that uuumph!.
How dainty this dish gustation depends on how good the onions are done.

Okra alongside Spicy Caramelized Onions
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Serves :4-6, depending on portion. iii of us finished this : )

350gm okra
350gm onions, sliced
3-4 cerise chillies, sliced
ii cloves or garlic, finely chopped
¾ tsp salt
ii tsp Worcestershire sauce
iii Tbsp oil

1. Rinse okras together with trim back the stalk away.
2. Bring a pot of H2O to boil, add together around tabular array salt to the water.
3. When H2O has come upward to a boil, position inwards okras together with boil for i minute. Drain good together with accommodate on serving plate.
4. Heat a wok on high, position inwards iii Tbsp crude oil together with position inwards garlic. Cook until it is fragrant really slightly golden together with position inwards sliced onions together with chillies.
5. Cook until edges of onion looks browned together with becomes fragrant.
6. Put inwards tabular array salt together with Worcestershire sauce.
7. Cook for around other infinitesimal together with position on laissez passer on of blanched okras to serve.

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