Love To Bake Bario Rice

There is i affair that I ever think close when I think of Sarawak likewise my experience of eating Sago worms, their indigenous rice, Bario rice. I lugged 25kg of this dorsum to the West during my final trip inward 2000.

Bario is an surface area is located inward the centre of the Kelabit Highlands inward the northward eastward of Sarawak, East Malaysia, real closed to the international edge alongside Indonesian Kalimantan, too 3280 feet higher upward body of body of water level. It is the master copy village inward the Kelabit Highlands. With an average temperature of 20C, they tin sack works life crops unlike than of the lowlands where temperature are to a greater extent than than 32C-39C during the twenty-four hr menses time. Even their rice is different. It tin sack alone move constitute too planted here.

The rice is non cheap. It is airflown from the highlands to the lowlands. Bario is alone accesible past times air, unless y'all desire to trek for days. And having sacks of rice alongside y'all spell jungle trekking is no joke. It is cheaper to purchase at Niah, Miri (not the cave, it's the advert of the vilage where the cave is located, then ,the huge cave was named Niah cave. Even if it's cheaper at Niah, it's all the same damage 50% to a greater extent than than regular Thai fragrant rice. In Kuching, it's almost double. In the West, it's triple. If I didn't hollo back wrongly, at that topographic point used to move 1.8kg packs sold inward Major supermarkets at close RM20. I don't run across them roughly now, mayhap it's too expensive. If non I'll guide keep a motion painting for y'all to see. So far I've alone heard of i friend consuming this rice (West Msia $), CTZM, if y'all reading this, I'm talking close you.  :)
 (Prices are of twelvemonth 2000)

Ok, dorsum to why I took all the problem to convey then much of this rice back... it's the best rice ever.
Really, seriously!!! Provided y'all develop it correctly. 1 loving cup rice, washed, drained properly and cooked alongside 1 loving cup water.

Small, smaller than a regular rice grain past times half
White, when raw, looks white similar gummy rice. It doesn't expect opaque similar regular rice grains.
Soft too fluffy, similar proficient character Thai fragrant rice, simply genuinely fifty-fifty better
Slightly bouncy, really, when y'all chew it, u tin sack experience its bounciness
Sticky simply non sticky, Like Stick-it Notes. The rice clumps together plenty for y'all to selection it upward alongside chopsticks, simply easily separated... It's non similar Thai fragrant rice when it's sticky, it's easily mushy. This is not. Bario rice is firm, soft alongside a overnice stick. In my ain opinion, fifty-fifty Calrose (Jap curt grain) is non equally proficient equally this.
And if y'all can't complete the rice, too continue inward the the fridge. When y'all reheat the rice later, the grains volition autumn apart similar Basmathi.

I don't know how to depict this whatever further. Rice lovers volition easily respect this to move then thence overnice alongside the root mouthful.

It's non alone constitute equally white grains, simply scarlet or dark grains too. All inward the same minor size.
So, if whatever of y'all are going to Sarawak, specially roughly Miri area, don't forget to purchase some of this back, provided it's non prohibited past times the police describe of your province to convey inward rice. Any of y'all who wants to take in me from Sarawak, this volition move the best affair to convey for me. I'll pay y'all back, don't worry. 10kg, all sapu* !!!
*sapu is a Malay give-and-take that way sweep or cleared, too inward this scenario, it way cleared too taken

This rice is given past times my cousin's wife, Jasmine.
She brought it dorsum from Marudi, Sarawak during her final trip dorsum to her hometown.

Love ya, Jasmine. Please convey me to a greater extent than :)
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