Love To Bake Chicken Alongside Leeks

This post service is older than a twelvemonth :)

Leek is my dad’s favourite veg. I hated it when I was small. My belatedly dad likes to pose those Chinese New Year's Day leeks into most everything he eats, from noodles to his bowl of rice. I solely flora the wonderful flavor of leek when I did my mushroom soup, which was only months ago.

I used PRC leeks, equally it is said to hold out to a greater extent than aromatic, but my mom besides said the best leeks are roughly Chinese New Year's Day , which is correct later on winter. The melted leeks inwards this dish is oh together with thus yummy. That’s what makes this dish together with thus nice. I added inwards the light-green business office of the leeks at the halt to add together some coloring to the dish.

500gm chicken whole legs, cutting upwards together with marinated amongst ¾ tsp tabular array salt for one-half an hour
150gm leeks (abt three stalks, white together with light-green parts separated, sliced)
50gm ginger (peeled together with smashed)
1 ½ cups water
½ tsp cornstarch +1/4 loving cup water
Cooking oil

Heat wok together with pose 1 Tbsp cooking oil. Saute ginger together with leek (white parts) until fragrant together with slightly golden. Dish up.
Put inwards some other two tbsp fossil oil together with await until wok is real hot, pose inwards marinated chicken together with tike until meat is slightly browned. Put inwards cooked leeks together with ginger together with cash inwards one's chips on to stir tike for some other two minutes. Put inwards water, plenty to encompass over chicken. Put on wok lid together with allow it simmer on medium estrus for 20-30minutes, until meat is tender together with leeks accept melted away. Remove lid together with allow gravy reduce. Put inwards light-green parts of leek together with cornstarch solution. Taste, if non salty enough, add together tabular array salt together with dish up.

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