Love To Bake Chinese White Honeycomb Cake -Version Iv Bak Tong Goh- 36 Hours

Almost similar to Aunty Yochana’s version, but minus 42 hours as well as the rice fermentation stage. The vino yeast is added straight into the rice flour, which was the kuih starter dough (step 2) inwards Yochana’s version
Still, this volition select you lot 36 hours to complete. Even though it looks similar iii days, but it started belatedly at black on 24-hour interval ane as well as ended early 24-hour interval 3, altogether is 36 hours, less than 48. And recall if always something all of a abrupt came upward that makes you lot unable to practice the side past times side phase or steam it on time, only popular it into the refrigerator for non to a greater extent than than iii days. But, ane or two hours delay won’t brand much of a difference, should you lot require the ane or two hours extra.

It was the moving-picture exhibit that seduced me to essay this recipe. That was my ultimate result, as well as I achieved that inwards Aunty Yochana’s Version. And non many get got tried this recipe, non fifty-fifty those inwards Chinese. I tried googling it based on the recipe, as well as I solely constitute one on page 10 of google consequence . What to a greater extent than near this recipe inwards English…. None.. Well, every bit before said inwards the 1st version, I never saw whatsoever English linguistic communication Pak Thong Gou doing it amongst wheat starch, of class at that topographic point volition live none amongst this long version every bit well.

One weird affair near this recipe is the egg white. What is the constituent of the egg white? I don’t know. Anyway, when it was pose into the hot saccharide syrup, it’ll ready as well as it volition live sieved away later. So, why add together that? The respond mightiness live that the egg white protein, albumin, is used hither every bit a fining agent inwards vino making. After reading a few sites . near wine fining, it seems that it’s raw egg whites that is used as well as non cooked egg whites, thus why is this added inwards every bit cooked egg white?

Actually the original recipe called for yeast, but yeast to ferment for xviii hours minimum at tropical room temperature? Gosh, I don’t desire to brand limited rice vinegar. The recipe was inwards Chinese as well as the original source is unknown, they re-create as well as glue it everywhere on the internet, thus the “yeast” they mention, I’m non certain whether it’s the Chinese yeast or western baking yeast. If they telephone phone for ½ tsp of baking yeast to ferment that long.. I tin however “maybe” get got it, but two tsp??? H5N1 combat every bit good much, seriously.Maybe inwards cold China, it tin actually select that long, but non here. I tin brand the cake inwards solely two hours if I exercise two tsp, only similar whatsoever of those limited versions. So, I'll use Chinese vino yeast. Nevermind, I’m the guinea Sus scrofa here.

Day 1 :11pm
(A) Starter

55gm rice flour
1/2 tsp sugar
125ml boiling H2O (measure after boiling)
two tsp Chinese sweetness vino yeast biscuit (crushed into powder), or ½ tsp yeast (In tropical warm weather, if you lot follow the original amount, you lot volition get got rice vinegar past times the cease of it)
Put rice flour as well as saccharide into a bowl. Pour one-half the boiling H2O into rice flour as well as stir. Pour the remainder inwards as well as stir. Leave to cool down. Put inwards crushed vino biscuit as well as stir. Put flour mixture into a non air tight container. Leave to ferment for 24 hours inwards a warm place, away from conduct sunlight. Open container the side past times side morning time to permit it breathe for a few seconds as well as comprehend again. Do this ane time again afterward inwards the afternoon.

Day 2: 11am
(B) Rice flour mixture

175gm rice flour
50gm wheat starch
250ml water
Mix rice flour as well as wheat starch amongst water. Let the mixture sit down for a few hours (2-3). The rice flour volition settle to the bottom as well as H2O volition live on top. While preparing the syrup below, carefully pour away the water.

Day 2: 2pm
(C) Sugar syrup

180gm saccharide (original proportion is 300gm)
250ml water
1 Tbsp egg white
Bring H2O as well as saccharide to a boil. Turn off the heat. Put inwards egg white as well as stir. Sieve syrup as well as pour into (B).
Cover as well as operate out until 11pm.

Day 2: 11pm
Final rice batter
Method: Mix (A) into (C). Sieve mixture as well as cover. Let it proof for or thus other 12 hours.

Day 3: 11am

1 tsp oil
Prepare your steamer .Put inwards H2O as well as convey to a boil.
Put 1 tsp crude oil into batter. Mix well.
Grease ane 12 inch circular pan.
Place greased pan onto steamer rack.
Pour rice batter into greased pan.
Cover your steamer as well as steam on high estrus for xx minutes.

But non every bit expert every bit Aunty Yochana’s. Double decker honeycombs too. Due to the lesser H2O content than Aunty Yochana’s, this yields a slightly firmer cake. The higher starch content also made this chewier. But less crunchy than Aunty Yochana’s. Aunty Yochana’s version is actually the best, as well as the most fourth dimension consuming. Try this recipe if you lot desire to practice it using solely 36 hours compared to Yochana’s 78 hours.
Slightly inferior only. If Aunty Yochana’s version is really good, this is good. Rice flour as well as yeast version to me is .. I don’t desire to charge per unit of measurement it.

I’m non certain whether it’s due to wheat starch that pak thong koh tin teach double decker results , every bit I did it hither every bit good (although non every bit equal every bit those that I got amongst aunty yochana’s version, it’s thicker at the bottom this time), only similar the pic inwards Haochi123. But mine was a combat wavy on move on after beingness steamed, non every bit flat. Maybe I was using less sugar. Or perchance I was using high estrus to steam rather than medium high heat. Sometimes, saccharide practice play a role, but I actually can’t stand upward the amount of saccharide used inwards the original recipe. Try out the original amount if you lot similar things sweet, as well as delight permit me know.

And oh ya.. I’m going to essay out the 1st version again. I won’t ready it this time, as well as if I however teach double decker honeycombs, thus I confirm it’s the starch, but if it’s not, I approximate it’s due to the vino yeast.

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