Love To Bake Chinese White Honeycomb Cake / Bak Tong Gou- Version 1 白糖糕

Ohhh... I've seen thus many people making this. I desire to endeavor it myself too.

Actually, I never liked this bak tong gou because it tasted sour, but the honeycomby texture is overnice to chew on. My friend Leighanne, loved this cake. And she ever similar to purchase this from a kuih maker that lived 400m away from my household inwards Kampar. His version looked like this.  But then, I recollect he didn't piece of employment the limited method to make. His is the days as well as days of fermentation method, cos the texture indeed is different.

There are many many versions on the internet, as well as I googled using Chinese (I've got limited Chinese knowledge) to honor to a greater extent than versions of it. And I constitute this, a version using wheat starch. All the english blogs that I came across alongside all the googling alongside whatsoever romanization of the cantonese elevate (Pak Thong Koh, Pak Tong Go, Bak Thong Koh, or whatever) never made this cake using this recipe. So, allow me endeavor this.

The result, non sour at all. It has a real nice sweet yeasty smell. When the cake has cooled, I overturned it to cut. I saw the revealed backside of the cake to hold out similar inwards the motion painting on your right. Wow, honeycomb :) But when I cutting through the cake, no, not honeycomb like,  it's similar a  termite mound's interior. Not my fault, the site that I got this from also looked similar this. Plus other Chinese sites that made using this recipe also looked similar this as well as this. I idea it's due to them non stirring the concluding transfer of batter to steam tray that caused the termite mound effect. But no..the recipe actually yields results similar this fifty-fifty when I stirred it when I transfered the batter. But no affair how it looked, the texture is overnice to eat. Soft as well as non hard, fifty-fifty later many hours later beingness steamed. And the amount of carbohydrate used is real little, it's sugariness plenty non to hold out bland.

I halved the master copy recipe since it was an experiment. I was scared that I won't similar to consume it, thus dared non exercise a bigger portion. Experiments take to hold out eaten too, unless it's actually awful or uncooked. But I regretted, I could destination upwardly the whole thing myself.  The amount below is what I did, as well as it gave me a vii inch diameter, 1.5cm tall square cake. Feel gratuitous to exercise the total amount.

50gm sugar
200ml water
25gm wheat starch
75gm rice flour
1/2 tsp yeast mix alongside 1 tsp water

1. Combine everything except yeast mixture.
2. Cook over depression oestrus until mixture thickens, stirring all the time. (*note below)
3. Remove from oestrus as well as sieve mixture into a bowl that is iii times bigger than the amount of batter. (pls refer below for intructions to laissez passer on a overnice honeycomb look. New instructions for Step 1-3)
4. Let it cool downwardly until warm to the touch, agency u tin pose your manus nether the bowl for a long long fourth dimension feeling only warm, non hot.
5. Mix inwards yeast mixture as well as allow it sit down as well as proof for i as well as a one-half hours. (I similar to proof my materials either inwards a covered pot or a closed oven)
6. Stir batter as well as pour into an oiled 7inch foursquare pan.
7. Steam on high oestrus for xx mins (25 if total amount)
8. Let cake cool downwardly completely earlier cutting, if non the surface volition hold out sticky.

*Well, I'm rather impatient. I exercise medium oestrus for xx seconds (if total batch I'd become xxx sec) to oestrus it up, plow to depression for xx seconds, dorsum to medium for unopen to other 3, thus dorsum to depression for xx as well as medium iii upwardly until u tin experience the base of operations rootage to thicken. Then I went depression all the way until I could experience most one-half of it is thickened. Then I removed it from the oestrus as well as continued to stir, as well as allow it proceed to thicken alongside the residue heat)

I'm going to exercise iii to a greater extent than versions...1 is unopen to other limited version, the other two volition be long winded versions. Just for comparison. I'm curious, real curious. How tin I larn the ultimate honeycomb construction similar the hawker close my household inwards Kampar???? Or should I only climb as well as peek into his kitchen???

Update 29/4/10: I've constitute the solution for the termite's mound look. Don't create the flour mixture.
Here is my revised Step 1, two as well as 3.

1. Boil 120ml H2O alongside sugar. Mix 80ml H2O alongside both flours as well as mix well.
2.When carbohydrate syrup has boiled, pour into flour mixture as well as stir well.
3. Sieve batter as well as move out it to cool.
Continue alongside footstep iv above.
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