Love To Bake Double Fennel Roasted Chicken

I saw about fennel at Jusco, locally grown at Camerons. Whoopppie!!! They were cheap!!! I didn’t know what to attain alongside them but I bought them anyway cos I was told, it’s a novel attain together with it’s not sold often. I’ve seen fennel growing inwards Camerons before, inwards Mardi Park inwards Tanah Rata, but I never knew Cameronians volition 1 hateful solar daytime found this to sell.

Then I saw Australian butternut squash. Usually they are pretty big, but this fourth dimension I saw about modest ones. The mention is actually enticing, butternut. Is it actually that buttery? I won’t know until I’ve tasted it, together with that’s for sure. This babe toll me most RM14. Hahaha!!! The large ones volition toll me to a greater extent than than RM30. Crazy!!!
Then I came dorsum together with searched on the network high together with depression for recipes… together with I don’t’ desire soup. No fennel soup, no butternut mash soup. In the end, I settled down with roasting them.

1kg Whole chicken legs (3 rather large pieces)
½ Tbsp salt
½ Tbsp fennel seeds
Few dark peppercorns or about solid soil dark pepper

2 bulbs of fennel (rather modest when compared to imported ones, if imported ones, 1 volition do)
Some tabular array salt together with about pepper
Few cuts of Butternut squash, simply every bit a rack together with business office of the repast after on (You tin substitute alongside pumpkin)
Some butter together with 1 tsp of beloved for each leg

1. Mill salt, fennel seeds together with dark peppercorns until fine.
2. Rub (1) onto chicken legs.
3. Marinate them for at to the lowest degree 1 sixty minutes (do non stack them, together with instruct out them uncovered inwards the refrigerator to dry out upward a bit)
4. Preheat oven to 180/200C.
5. Place butternut mash onto baking pan. Slice fennel together with sprinkle them over butternut squash. Season alongside a lite sprinkling of tabular array salt together with pepper. (just similar what Jamie Oliver unremarkably volition do)
6. Place marinated chicken over fennel together with butternut squash.
7. Thinly acre about butter together with lay them on the chicken.
8. Bake for xxx minutes until golden
9. Remove chicken frm oven together with rapidly brush (I simply purpose the dorsum of spoon) 1 tsp of beloved on each leg.
10. Pop them dorsum into the oven for about other xv minutes. They volition last rattling golden when done.

The chicken was simply nicely cooked, saltiness degree perfect. The roasting juices were wonderfully sweet!!!! Not sweetness from the beloved but from the chicken, butternut together with fennel. What could last meliorate than to convey about rice to soak upward all the gravy… err.. you lot may similar mash potatoes, but nosotros similar rice. And I made about garlic rice to become alongside it. (Recipe for garlic rice, later)

If you lot enquire me what does fennel odor similar when raw.. a flake similar celery, a flake similar parsley.
What it gustation similar when cooked… Celery, the bottom white business office of celery. Just that it has to a greater extent than texture to chew on.

What does butternut mash await similar within : Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pumpkin
What does butternut mash gustation similar when cooked : Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pumpkin, hahaha!! Just nuttier.

Any of you lot convey whatever recipes to advise me for fennel?? Preferably no soups together with salads.
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