Love To Bake Fried Rice Amongst Dried Scallops In Addition To Kailan Stems

When I was nevertheless staying inwards KL, Mike in addition to I used to frequent this Hong Kong Culture (yes, this is the refer of the shop) inwards Plaza Low Yatt, whenever he goes at that spot for his information technology shopping sprees.

I convey a few favourites from this store in addition to i of them is this never seen or heard before, fried rice that is done amongst dried scallops in addition to egg white that was dotted amongst broccoli stems. It was in addition to thence delicious. I didn’t know how did they larn the sprinkling of shredded conpoy to hold upward in addition to thence crispy. Did they steam in addition to shred it? Or were they the remnants of the soup base of operations for their noodles?

I never knew until I saw this at a herbal store lately.
My eyes lit upward when I saw this bottle of golden shreds. Immediately I knew what I desire to create amongst it. Fried rice!!! Hong Kong Culture style!!! And Chinese New Year's Day season, at that spot are lots of Kailan stems around.

I did this during my Form half dozen mates reunion at my household during Chinese New Year's Day Day 4.

Fried Rice amongst Dried Scallops and Kailan Stems

(Serves 6-8)
½ loving cup dried scallop shreds
half dozen cups cooled cooked rice
iii stalks of kailan stems (peeled in addition to cutting into piffling cubes, virtually two cups. You may substitute this amongst broccoli stems)
12 egg whites (1.5 cups)
iii sprigs of jump onion (when finely sliced/chopped, should come upward to virtually i cup, white in addition to light-green parts separated)
1 Tbsp chicken stock powder
1.5 tsp salt

1. Bring a saucepan of H2O to a boil. Put inwards kailan cubes in addition to laid upward for five seconds. Strain in addition to continue aside.
2. Heat wok in addition to set inwards 1/3 loving cup of oil. Fry dried scallops shreds until golden brown. Dish upward scallops shreds leaving behind fossil oil inwards wok.
3. With the fossil oil inwards wok, tyke egg whites, scrambled until cooked, dish up. Do non overcook.
4. (use the same wok, unwashed, but brand certain at that spot are no egg whites left inwards wok) Put inwards two tbsp fossil oil into wok in addition to set inwards sliced white parts of jump onion. Saute for iii seconds in addition to set inwards rice. Toss rice for virtually 3-4 minutes until rice is really hot in addition to evenly coated amongst the oil. Put inwards cooked kalian cubes. Season amongst chicken stock pulverization in addition to salt. Taste in addition to adjust.
5. When rice is nicely seasoned, set inwards egg whites. Toss until evenly distributed. You may add together inwards fried scallop shreds in addition to light-green parts of jump onion directly or sprinkle them on transcend of rice later.
6. Serve hot 

My experiment result:
I was there!!! It tasted oh-so similar…. Now I tin relish my favourite fried rice inwards Kuala Kangsar.

Now out of the thirty egg whites I had from Prune Layer Cake 2, 4 went to Strawberry Pavlova, 12 here, around other xiv to go.... See my adjacent post.

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