Love To Bake Huckleberry Flaugnarde

The batter is the same every bit cherry clafoutis, but when it’s non made amongst cherries, it goes yesteryear the advert flaugnarde. Just similar Chinese noodles, whatsoever noodles made from wheat are called “mein/mian/ 麵” together with whatsoever noodles made from rice is called “fun/fen /粉”.

Clafouti/ Clafoutis is specific for cherries, together with therefore at that topographic point could non move whatsoever plum clafouti or peach clafoutis. I’m misfortunate if you lot bring i inwards your blog, but I’m maxim it amongst reference to Wikipedia.

“The clafoutis comes from the Limousin percentage of French Republic together with piece dark cherries are the traditional at that topographic point are numerous variations using other fruits including blood-red cherries, plums, prunes, apples, cranberries or blackberries. When other kinds of fruit are used instead of cherries, the dish is called a flaugnarde”

From Wikipedia regarding flaugnarde :
"This is a flan-like baked French dessert amongst fruit arranged inwards a buttered dish together with covered amongst a thick flan-like batter. Similar to a Clafoutis which is made amongst dark cherries, a Flaugnarde is made amongst apples, peaches, pears, plums, prunes or other fruits. Resembling a large pancake the dish dusted amongst confectioner's carbohydrate together with tin move served either warm or cold"

So, hither I acquaint to you, huckleberry flaugnarde, a variation amongst the same batter recipe, inwards a modest baking dish (1 loving cup capacity)

65ml whipping cream
35ml fresh milk
½ empty vanilla pod or ii drops of vanilla extract
1 ½ tbsp sugar
1 egg
three Tbsp all role flour
1 tsp Grand Marnier/ rum (optional), I omitted this this time
Handful of blueberries, nearly 50gm
Icing carbohydrate for dusting.

1. Preheat oven to 160/180C. (I used exclusively 150C)
2. Bring milk, cream together with vanilla to boil on depression heat, pose inwards carbohydrate to dissolve. Turn off the oestrus together with allow it sit down for v minutes.
3. Lightly whisk egg together with pose inwards flour to mix.
4. Fish out vanilla pod, together with pour piece of cake piece piece of cake whisking into the batter. Add liquer if using. Do non contain to much air.
5. Pour batter into a buttered dish, throw inwards the blueberries (no ask to arrange, they'll self arrange) and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden together with set.
6. Dust amongst icing sugar.

If you'd enquire me, amongst the same batter every bit the cherry clafoutis, which gustation better?
Definately this one, I'd say. And likewise according to Lydia's nanny. I gave her about of both clafoutis together with this flaugnarde.

I never felt blueberries having a rattling overnice season together with fragrance, merely about other berry amongst a overnice blueish colour. But amongst this flaugnarde, it totally changed my mind. When I baked this one, I could smell, "Gosh, how come upward it smells together with therefore overnice ??". Even afterwards the baking, I kept role of the flaugnarde inwards the oven, together with whenever I walk yesteryear that mutual coldness oven, I could odour it three meters away. That good!!!! 

So, if you lot allow me choose, to make exclusively i amongst the same batter, I'll definately rather have this than cherry clafoutis. Well, you lot may enquire me, this i tasted batter mayhap because you lot mixed it differently this time??? No it can't be, cos it's the same batter, I split upward the batter into 2, i pan for clafoutis i pan for the flaugnarde, together with therefore at that topographic point couldn't move whatsoever variations on the mixing that made this superior over the clafoutis.

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