Love To Bake In Conclusion 100,000 Hits In Addition To A Dulce De Leche Cake To Clelebrate

100 000 hits.. took me almost 2 in addition to one-half years to larn this. Sometimes I practice experience embarassed. There are in addition to hence many newer blogs than mine that receive got long agone achieved this, in addition to some few calendar month former blogs are already one-half of where I am.

I admit,
1. I had been lazy, non updating my spider web log every bit oftentimes every bit I should, making my banking concern of drafts getting bigger in addition to bigger past times the day. Facebook's Restaurant City took upwardly much of my 2009.
2. I've been rattling passive. Haven't been reading much blogs, alone the handful, in addition to when I practice read blogs , I rarely comment. Guess it's a 2 agency thing. People won't know I be unless I tell them that I do. Well, non that I'm insincere amongst what I nation virtually their food, I am rattling sincere, exactly that if it's good, tell them. Now, I no longer drib dead along the "Good job, Well done, Thumbs up" inwards my heart, but I volition actually tell them through comments.

Since I changed my blog's interface(after Surprise Egg), it definately changed my reader's perspectives to rest on. I got a lot lot to a greater extent than hits than before. Maybe due to the bigger pictures (errr... lots of blogs receive got much smaller pics in addition to they larn lots f hits), or perchance due to the pinkish subject now.. makes things seems sweeter :)
But the existent fact is that, I've got a lot to a greater extent than linkups to blogs than few months back, in addition to at nowadays my 2/3 of my traffic comes from referring sites, compared to 2009 where 60% came from straight traffic.

Statistics based on Mac1-Mac31 2010 in addition to Nov29-Dec-28 2009
Daily visitors on average : 92-256 (now), 30-80 (2009)
Returning visitors per month: 2863 (now), 1098 (2009)

See the difference?? It's exactly a affair of three months in addition to I'm rattling surprised in addition to at the same fourth dimension rattling happy.
Here, I'd similar to receive got this chance to thank

(in no exceptional order)

Happy Home Baking
Nasi Lemak Lover
Blessed Homemaker
Excuse Me, Are U a Nurse
Happy Flour
Cherry Potato">HomeKreation
Full-timed Housefly
Simply Annes -she's the first food blogger to link me to her spider web log :)
Sakura-love baking
My Kitchen Snippets
wombatmama -Not a populace blog
jesbakewithlove ----Not a populace spider web log too.  To both mortal blogs, I know both of yous receive got been next my spider web log for quite long, I would love to pay your spider web log a visit, unfortunately I can't access your blog.

And non forgetting my honey followers (I won't repeat your mention if yous receive got my blogs listed above)
1. Sarah Naveen
2. Leeling Lai
3. Pete
4. Dante
5. Jonathan Ho
6. Doria Robert Kawen
7. Foong Mun Yeong
8. Bear amongst Me
9. Kavitha
10. Charissa Ho
11. Joanne
12. Shy Kitchen
13. Tony
14. Sing Yin@ Sherene
15. Jo Chiak
16. Maxivelasco
17. My Coach Bags
18. Mia
19. Oilai
20. Tan Wei Hong (Derek)
21. Roy Erol
22. Ellis
23. Michael C.. my hubby :)
24. Luke
25. Jenn
26. Khim
27. Heide
28. Greenapple4sale
29. Goofy
30. due south L Wong
31. 鬼首
32. Melody
33. WC Chuen
34. Kristy of My Little Space
35. Chuah Zong Yuan
36. Sam Sam
37. Jeffery Chin
38. Haslina Abd. Majid
39. Lisa Rodney
40. Whee Teck
41. ctzm
42. Grace Yip
43. Janei Chong
44. Daniel
45. JC
46. Totoro
47. Sherli Wong
48. Cheryl Lee
49. Emi
50. Esthermation
51. Cheryl Lim
52. Shirley Goh or Kokken69
53. Tracie Moo of Bitter Sweet Flavours
54. Angie of Angie's Recipes

And  also to my anonymous readers. Thank you, give thank yous you.
Did I immature lady anyone??? Sorry, but I would similar to give thank yous you too.

I can't larn inwards to 100 000 without all your support. I mightiness receive got left out some others, I exactly derived this data from my google analytics for March 2010.

Thank yous everyone!!!!

And amongst this, Mike asked me to brand a cake to celebrate 100 000 hits.

Dulce de Leche... oh what????? Do nation the leceh (Do nation virtually the troublesome, leceh is troublesome inwards Malay)... hahahaha.. nola..joking.
I'll write another postal service regarding this DDL.

I wanted to practice a exceptional cake, non anything fruit related, something exotic(Oh yes from South America, how exotic that is!!!), something non unremarkably seen inwards our local baking scene. I bumped into the cake spell searching for something to practice amongst my almost expiring tin dismiss of milk goo from Singapore.

Initially I wanted to practice a wavy await frosting on this cake, the mound it amongst chocolate shavings. But practice u know how difficult it is to brand pretty uneveness???? Making it ulgy in addition to uneven is piece of cake peasy, but non pretty in addition to wavy. In the end, I gave upwardly in addition to chuck the cake into the freezer for 10 minutes in addition to did a comb consequence on it. My source fourth dimension using a comb on the surface.... love it. Will role it again.

Recipe from this blog. I reduced the component size in addition to cutting downwardly on the sweetness. You should become in that place in addition to come across ALLLLLL her stuff. Mouthwatering indeed, in addition to they brand me desire to brand them all. Will I endure hitting 80kg soon??? I promise non :)

Sponge Cake
6 eggs
170gm brownish sugar
170gm cake flour
45gm butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 tsp cinnamon pulverisation (Mike hates cinnamon, in addition to hence I exactly pose some... original recipe called for 1tsp)

1. Preheat oven at 180C. Prepare an 8 or ix inch baking pan. Line the bottom.
2. Beat egss in addition to saccharide over hot H2O until lite in addition to pale, for 12 minutes (hand mixer, stand upwardly mixer volition receive got less)
3. Sift cake flour in addition to cinnamon powder. Fold into (1) inwards three additions.
4. Mix vanilla amongst butter. Take a few tablespoons of batter in addition to pose into butter mixture. Stir to combine, no demand to endure gentle.
5. Pour (3) into master copy batter in addition to fold.
6. Pour into prepared pan in addition to 1 time the pan goes into the oven, closed the door in addition to accommodate temperature to 160C. Bake for 35 minutes or until done.
7. Remove from oven in addition to permit it cool downwardly totally.
8. Remove from pan in addition to piece cake into three layers in addition to chill (wrapped) until fourth dimension of use.

Dulce De Leche Cream
350ml whipping cream, cold
140gm dulce de leche (about ½ cup), cold
2/3tsp gelatin
1 Tbsp water

1. Double boil gelatin in addition to H2O until melted. Or u tin dismiss role microwave. Leave to cool.
2. Freeze mixing bowl in addition to beaters for v minutes.
3. Put dulce de leche into mixing bowl in addition to pose inwards a fleck of cream. On depression speed, mix to combine, adding to a greater extent than gradually. When all the whipping cream has been added in, plough to high speed in addition to musical rhythm out until soft peaks.
4. Turn to depression speed. Add inwards gelatin mixture tardily spell beating, in addition to musical rhythm out until stiff.
5. Use directly to frost cake.
Please drib dead along everything mutual frigidity spell yous practice the cream, freeze bowl in addition to beaters earlier yous start, in addition to if the twenty-four hours is likewise hot, keep the bowl (used to whip the cream) inwards a basin of H2O ice H2O to drib dead along the temperature low. This applies to all cream made amongst dairy whipping cream inwards our tropical room temp. It should receive got no longer than v minutes to ready this whip this cream.

30gm brownish sugar
70ml hot water
Dissolve brownish saccharide inwards hot water. Leave to cool down.

1. Slice cake into three layers.
2. Place 1 layer onto cake board/plate. Brush on syrup. Spread amongst 2/3 loving cup of DDL cream. Brush the topping layer of cake amongst syrup in addition to identify the surface amongst syrup onto cream. Repeat amongst some other layer.
3. Top amongst concluding piece of cake. Brush amongst syrup. Spread DDL cream all over cake. I used a serrated comb to create the effects on my cake. Top with shaved nighttime chocolate inwards the center.

This cake is heavenly!!! The DDL cream was in addition to hence so good. It has a whiff of coconuttiness(like kokosnoot candy) in it, but it doesn't comprise any, could endure due to the caramelised milk. If I were to brand this again, I'll pose inwards some baking pulverisation to the sponge, in addition to hence that I tin dismiss receive got slightly to a greater extent than fluffy cake. This 1 is fine.. but I'd similar to endure be fluffier. One regret tho, I used regular nighttime eating chocolate for the shavings. If I used Lindt 90% nighttime on it.... Wooohooo!!! Super Yummy!!!
Oh yeah, in addition to I didn't pose inwards plenty DDL cream for the fillings, cos I was worried it won't endure plenty for the covering. And at nowadays I receive got an extra 2/3 loving cup of DDL cream inwards my fridge. Any regrets virtually that, yeah....... :(

My want for today:
May I receive got to a greater extent than in addition to more thousands .. non Ringgit or Dollars, but hits in addition to visitors delight :)

*this cake was made few days inwards advance to anticipate my 100 000 hits.

8/4/10- Neighbour Maria told me that she kept on thinking virtually this cake later she has eaten this. She commented that the cream was incredible. She idea in addition to hence much virtually it that she ordered a DDL Cake for this friday.
So, blogger friends, to receive out DDL.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: