Love To Bake Killer Cranberry Cream Scones

I mean value this recipe lives upward to its name. It’s a existent killer.

I’ve eaten scones at a few places, together with I convey to say, Coffee Bean’s my favourite. The buttery odor is hence so obvious. Even YTL’s Cameron Highlands Resort’s crazy expensive scones can’t shell Coffee Bean's. Ate that a few times.

This 1 although doesn’t work much butter, uses a lot of cream cheese,has a really overnice buttery fragrance. And I think cream cheese could live on Coffee Bean’s hole-and-corner constituent to their scones. It remained soft together with crumbly the side past times side day, together with the side past times side following day.

I loved this scone hence much, I made a 2nd batch of it the really night.

Killer Cranberry Cream Scones
adapted from Natalie's Killer Cuisine

125gm all work flour
125gm cake flour (original recipe exclusively called for all purpose, I substituted one-half amongst this every bit a security measure)
1 Tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
80gm dried cranberries, coarsely chopped
120gm cream cheese, room temp
30gm butter
90ml milk
1 egg, 1 Tbsp removed for glazing

1 Tbsp egg mix amongst 1 tsp milk
Extra melted butter for glazing

1. Preheat oven at 200C. Combine both flours together with baking powder. Sift twice to aerate. Mix inwards salt.
2. Beat cream cheese together with butter until smooth. Beat inwards flour mixture until it resembles fine crumbs.
3. Combine egg together with milk together with pour into (2).
4. Mix amongst a spoon until moistened. Lightly mix inwards cranberries.
5. Spoon batter into floured moulds together with lightly tap to flatten. Lift mould carefully.
6. Glaze scones amongst egg mixture.
7. Bake for ix minutes.
8. Remove from oven together with rapidly brush on melted butter. Put them dorsum into the oven together with bake for simply about other five minutes.
9. Leave to cool for 10 minutes.
10. Serve warm amongst butter together with jam. (I used butter together with golden syrup together with it was lovely)

The master recipe called for cream cheese glaze. But I didn’t produce that due to our hot weather. I couldn’t run out the baked together with glazed scones at our tropical room temperature, the cream cheese glaze would teach bad together with plough bitter. And if I chill them inwards the fridge, then I warm it inwards the oven again, the glaze volition melt.

So, I’d rather non produce it.

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