Love To Bake Longan Tofu

Days are hot now!!! Why non cool downward a fleck amongst unopen to longan tofu.. Why isn't this called Longan Soybean Jelly?? Well, it's because the texture is equally soft equally tofu. Soft, slippery, destructs at the slightest pressure level inwards the mouth.

I learnt to brand this subsequently eating unopen to at my friend, Alyssa's home. Her mom made this from scratch,.... equally inwards extracting the soy milk from the beans to the cease product. I did it that means too.... fifteen years ago. And wringing the milk from the finely blended soy beans is in addition to then dull that it tore the pare of my palms, my brother's palms in addition to my mother's palms.. Why so, cos nosotros had to concord on in addition to then tight to the slippery muslin bag, in addition to when u wring it amongst such strength, it only tore our skins.. only similar what happens inwards a tug of war.

I changed the recipe a fleck from what I was taught. I prefer the milk less pronounced in addition to the texture to endure softer, virtually similar tofufah. Now, I only purpose bought soy milk.. no to a greater extent than soaking, blending in addition to wringing. Some tofu sellers sell thick soy milk, or u tin purchase the hot milk from soy milk hawkers. The iced i is watered down.

1 marker Tbsp Agar-agar pulverisation (8gm)
1L water
250gm sugar
ii blades pandan leaf, tied into a knot
1L thick unsweetened soy milk
150ml evaporated milk
150ml canned longan syrup (from the longan can)
Canned longans

****Makes abut 10 cups of tofu

1. Prepare containers / jelly cups. Place ii longans or to a greater extent than into each container.
2. Cook sugar, 750ml H2O in addition to pandan leafage until H2O boils.
3. Mix agar-agar pulverisation amongst 250ml H2O in addition to pour into (2). Bring to a boil again, simmer for unopen to other 2-3 minutes. Turn off heat.
4. Put inwards soy milk, evaporated milk in addition to longan syrup. Mix well.
5. Pour soy mixture into prepared containers.
6. Let them cool downward in addition to set. Chill inwards refrigerator earlier serving.

 Why non cool downward a fleck amongst unopen to longan tofu Love to Bake Longan Tofu
*** the longans inwards the pics are pose on overstep for deco. There're longans inwards the tofu/jelly.

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