Love To Bake Lotus Beginning Soup

I used to remain inwards USJ, as well as in that place was this stall nearby my household that sells soup amongst rice. They alone sell ii types of soup, Pepper Pork Stomach Soup as well as Lotus Root Soup, of which the latter is our favourite. They position inwards loads of materials to brand this soup as well as it's ultra yummy.

Whenever I brand this soup, Mike volition sip a lot!!!! This is the alone soup that he volition sip as well as drink, never refuses occur ups.

So, hither is Mike's favourite soup

Lotus Root Soup
Serves 4-6 persons

300gm lotus roots, peeled as well as sliced (clean weight, so, delight purchase to a greater extent than than 300gm, equally merely about may live on rotten inside)
25gm crimson dates (weighed amongst seeds, as well as removed later)
80gm dried peanuts (to live on soaked for v hours or overnight)
1 heaped Tbsp wolfberries/goji
1 heaped Tbsp dried mussels
1/3 of a pes long dried octopus, snipped into small-scale pieces
250gm pork loin or 300gm spareribs (scalded)
3L water

1. Bring H2O to boil as well as position inwards pork loin.
2. Rinse lotus roots, crimson dates, peanuts, wolfberries, mussels as well as octopus as well as position them into the pot.
3. Bring to boil as well as lower oestrus to simmer for ii hours.
4. Season amongst tabular array salt as well as serve.

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