Love To Bake Lucille's Facial Expression Upward Cake

strawberry yogurt cake... been making a few lately, well, strawberries are close kids fav, as well as yogurt is too. Made 1 for Lydia's birthday party's dessert, as well as only about other 1 for my nephew, Andrew. Lucille's mom said Lucille likes strawberries as well as chocolate, as well as she likes to encourage her to consume yogurt, as well as thus out came this cake, Strawberry Yogurt Cake, amongst chocolate sponge.

I would tell making this cake is a challenge.... the challenge of placing the features correctly.. as well as of which I intend I've failed. Ya ya,... the olfactory organ is below the eyes as well as to a higher house the mouth.. that's correct..but the eyes are besides close each other, olfactory organ to high upwards as well as the lips.... OMG, bring u seen jumbo sausages? Those pinkish sausages are right below the nose.. UGLY!!

I tried pipage the lips as well as thus many times, luckily the surface is a gelatine surface, non a cream surface, if non I wouldn't bring been able to redo it over as well as over, as well as over as well as over again.... See the stain close the lips.. it looks equally if she's been crazily kissed yesteryear a maniac as well as got lipstick smudged all over. UUUURRRRGGGHH!!!

But overall, it's notwithstanding a cute cake ... :)
Made a youngster grin as well as thus happily, what to a greater extent than tin I ask???

 weeks after than Lydia had her political party final Sabbatum Love to Bake Lucille's Face Cake

The cake's got a necklace as well as a collar..... :)
 weeks after than Lydia had her political party final Sabbatum Love to Bake Lucille's Face Cake

 weeks after than Lydia had her political party final Sabbatum Love to Bake Lucille's Face Cake

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