Love To Bake Peach Oatmeal Griddle Cookies

I was looking at some peaches, held i or thence my olfactory organ for a whiff.
Lydia wanted to scent too. I permit her stand upwards for one, but her finger nails went through the soft skin.
Sigh, I had to purchase that fruit at RM4.59.

I kept the peach inward the refrigerator for a calendar week or 2 earlier I remembered recipes/Dessert/Citrus/recipe.html?dishid=9010">Anna Olson’s recipe that I convey bookmarked quite a spell ago. Then spell browsing through my favourites, I saw it as well as ah-ha. Alas, no milk at home. Had to hold off until the birthday cakes are all over earlier I convey some infinite for milk.
I lastly made this (after iv weeks of purchase) and Lyanne merely loved this. Lydia was ok as well as was trying to selection out the fruits as well as travel out the cookie behind. That’s her park antic.

Peach Oatmeal Griddle Cookies
Recipe adapted from recipes/Dessert/Citrus/recipe.html?dishid=9010">Anna Olson
150gm milk
50gm oats
15gm butter
50m dear (or utilization 30-40gm sugar)
1 egg
20gm all role flour
¾ tsp baking powder
Small pinch tabular array salt (1/8 tsp)
½ loving cup diced peaches

1. Put oats into a small-scale mixing bowl (a big noodle soup bowl). Put inward butter
2. Bring milk to a gentle boil as well as pour over oats. Let it sit down for fifteen minutes.
3. In some other bowl, combine baking powder, tabular array salt as well as flour.
4. Put (3) into the oats as well as mix.
5. Put inward egg as well as dear mix.
6. Put inward diced peaches as well as mix.
7. Heat a pan as well as lightly grease it.
8. Put inward 2 tbsp of batter onto pan. When yous come across bubbles as well as the edges are no longer sticky, flip the ‘cookie’ as well as fix until golden. Be careful the ‘cookie’ browns real chop-chop due to its dear content.

If yous intend this tasted similar cookies... as well as thence you'd live greatly dissapointed. It's pancakes!!
Wonder why did Anna Olsen called these cookies.
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