Love To Bake Prawns Amongst Thyme In Addition To Lemon

I’m cooking dinner for half-dozen this evening as well as I’m scratching my caput on what to cook. I’ve got the vege prepared, the egg prepared as well as the meat/seafood??? Not yet. What should I do…..

I’ve got prawns inward my freezer.. No chicken as well as I don’t desire to serve pork tonight. So, I’ll fix the prawns. And they’ve been frozen for to a greater extent than than two months, I definitely create non desire to steam them. And I don’t lead maintain a lot of restrain onions inward my fridge. I lead maintain a one-half used upwardly lemon…

What shall I do? I’ve got thyme. Shall I endeavor thyme amongst prawns. Well, y'all see, I’ve never used thyme before. I don’t know if it works, because dissimilar herbs move good amongst dissimilar stuff. So, I googled, Prawns + Thyme. Phew, this combination is non alien. There are dishes where prawns are cooked amongst Thyme.

So, hither is my version of Prawns amongst Thyme, a abrupt novel recipe.

Prawns amongst Thyme as well as Lemon
Recipe Source : Wendyywy

500gm prawns, amongst shells
two cloves garlic
two Tbsp finely chopped onions
ane loosely filled Tbsp thyme leaves
ane tsp lemon zest
¾ tsp salt
Olive stone oil for cooking

1. Clean prawns as well as snip off the legs as well as one-half the head(until by the eyes) amongst scissors. Pat dry out prawns.
2. In a hot wok, pose inward two Tbsp olive stone oil as well as slide inward the prawns. Let them spread out roughly the wok as well as create non deed them until the underside looks pink. Flip them as well as allow them fix until curled upwardly as well as pinkish all over. It should odour wonderful. Dish upwardly laid aside, endeavor non to accept upwardly the oil.
3. In a construct clean wok, Heat two Tbsp olive stone oil as well as pose inward onions as well as garlic. Cook until garlic is fragrant, as well as hence pose inward lemon zest as well as thyme. Put inward common salt as well as fix for a spell until it smells fragrant.
4. Put prawns dorsum into wok as well as toss for close twenty seconds.
5. Dish upwardly as well as serve.

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