Love To Bake Rainbow Yogurt Layer Cake

I had this persuasion of making, something non as well as then usual, non adorned amongst cream, non equally filling equally a butter cake, a low-cal cake, but non too bare similar a apparently sponge cake. So came this persuasion of a multilayer colourful yogurt filled cake. I wanted to lift it Rainbow Yogurt Cake, but the layers don’t await much of a rainbow huh. But duh..rainbow seems nice.kekekeke.

The 2nd I cutting the cake.. it looked as well as then pretty. The 2nd I fleck into it, I loved it. Tangy amongst yogurt, and as well as then light. I passed roughly to my neighbours as well as those who didn’t similar yogurt institute this besides sour. But to yogurt lovers, it’s skillful stuff. My siblings beloved this besides :)

Actually, these are real sometime pictures, almost vii months ago, I guess.  I don’t know whether I should transportation service them, cos the pictures weren’t as well as then nicely focused as well as and then overexposed, because at that fourth dimension I was genuinely simply kickoff to utilisation Mike’s DSLR. Totally *zip* of whatever functions. I was anxious to possess got the pics because the layers were as well as then pretty as well as I simply can’t hold back for him to to come upward as well as aid me. But nonetheless…. Here they are. I’m nonetheless non skillful amongst DSLR, simply learnt how to utilisation aperture as well as a few to a greater extent than buttons compared to the fourth dimension of these pics  And Mike’s considering getting me a signal as well as shoot photographic television receiver camera amongst macro function, cos I’m ever complaining abt the pictures having besides much of depth of feel, I desire the whole pic to live clear, rather than that teeny weeny spot. Frankly I create non know the uses of the lens inwards his collection.  It’s similar gambling each fourth dimension I possess got pictures. Sometimes I win amongst superb pics, sometimes I lose amongst out of focus pics, or besides much depth of feel, or whatever problems that fifty-fifty photograph editing cannot assist me at all. Plus I am non that skillful amongst photograph editing (am using Ulead, cos it’s to a greater extent than for a dungu similar me).
Photoshop seems besides complicated, besides many things that tin give notice live clicked..:)

Sponge recipe:
Refer to my strawberry yogurt cake (Rainbow yogurt layer cake is genuinely fifty-fifty older….. kekeke)
Bake inwards a ix inch foursquare pan
When cake has cooled, while cake into four layers as well as house them into a foursquare removable bottom pan, or u tin give notice discovery a plastic container (I utilisation a 8.5inch Tupperware, I prefer to utilisation this cos I tin give notice embrace it upward to avoid drying out) that is near the same size of the cake, or smaller(container should non live bigger than cake, if non all the fillings volition drip out from the sides. If the cake is slightly besides big, trim down it to jibe snugly. Line the whole plastic container amongst baking paper. I folded the baking newspaper similar a handbasket as well as then that I tin give notice elevator the whole matter out of the Tupperware.

ii cups (140gm) Dutch Lady Strawberry Yogurt
ii cups (140gm) Dutch Lady Blueberry Yogurt
ii cups (140gm) Dutch Lady Citrus Mix Yogurt
¾ Tbsp gelatin + ¾ Tbsp gelatin + ¾ Tbsp gelatin
50ml H2O + 50ml H2O + 50ml H2O

1. Prepare iii microwavable containers as well as set inwards ¾ tbsp gelatin each + 50ml H2O each. Stir lightly amongst a toothpick. Let it sit down for ii minutes until gelatin blooms. Microwave on high for 10 seconds. Remove from microwave as well as give it a low-cal stir amongst toothpick, Check whether gelatin has dissolved, if not, zap on high for roughly other six seconds.
2. Pour same flavours of each yogurt into iii private bowls.
3. When gelatin has turned warm, amongst a balloon whisk, stir inwards 1 constituent of gelatin mixture into 1st yogurt. Immediately pour over 1st layer of sponge. Top amongst a layer of sponge.
4. Repeat pace iii amongst yogurt of roughly other flavour.
5. Repeat pace iii amongst final yogurt.
6. Chill overnight or at to the lowest degree five hours earlier serving

If u similar things to live sweeter, essay adding 1 tablespoon of saccharide into each hot gelatin mixture. Stir to dissolve.
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