Love To Bake Roasted Lemongrass Chicken

I had the persuasion of making simply about roasted chicken that gustation something similar satay chicken Love to Bake Roasted Lemongrass Chicken

I had the persuasion of making simply about roasted chicken that gustation something similar satay chicken Love to Bake Roasted Lemongrass Chicken

I had the persuasion of making simply about roasted chicken that gustation something similar satay chicken.

And the destination resultant was.... similiar together with yummylicious!
It may non gustation similar the satay u tasted, every bit there's no fixed satay recipe. Satay inwards Perak gustation dissimilar than satay inwards Kajang,.... somewhat sweeter inwards Perak. And Balinese satay is the sweetest I've e'er come upward across. So, if this doesn't gustation similar what u tasted, don't come upward running afterwards me amongst a parang.

800gm chicken pieces(I used five drumsticks, together with ii thighs)
1 heaped tsp salt
2 heaped Tbsp sugar
2 lemongrass (4 inches from the base)
30gm shallots
1 inch ginger
1 tsp turmeric powder
2 Tbsp kokosnoot milk
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp oil

1. Score few slits on chicken pieces.
2. Marinate chicken pieces amongst salt, saccharide together with turmeric.
3. Blend lemongrass, shallots together with ginger to a paste. Mix amongst kokosnoot milk.
4. Put (3) onto marinated chicken together with rub it onto chicken pieces together with into the slits or whatsoever crevaces.
5. Marinate for 1-2 hours. Don't marinate besides long, the ginger volition soften the chicken besides much.
6. Rub fossil oil together with butter onto chicken earlier baking. Place chicken pieces onto a baking tray.
7. Bake inwards preheated oven at 200C for 30-40 minutes or until golden.

I had the persuasion of making simply about roasted chicken that gustation something similar satay chicken Love to Bake Roasted Lemongrass Chicken

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