Love To Bake Salmon Congee 三文鱼粥

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 recreation of what I’ve tasted at Ryu Men Tei, Subang Jaya.

We ever frequent this house when Mike as well as I nonetheless lived inward USJ. I intend I’ve almost eaten everything on their menu, except for their lobsters as well as alive catches inward aquariums. As nosotros entirely become at that topographic point for regular dinners, lobsters as well as those geoducks are a luxury that nosotros never indulged in. Ha, but a skillful dinner entirely needs skillful food, there’s no necessity for luxury stuff. I beloved everything there.. except for their sushi, which is discovery to hold upward a flake bland for my taste. Other materials are pretty nicely seasoned.

Lydia as well as Lyanne was sick during this weekend (as of this dish, weeks as well as weeks ago), so, nosotros didn’t become out. What I had inward my refrigerator were salmon, jump onions, filament crab sticks as well as non much of other stuff. Well, congee was the easiest materials for sun lunch, every bit I volition ever gear upward the rice the nighttime earlier I slumber as well as convey it dorsum to a boil inward the forenoon for a smoothen smooth congee.

Bario rice volition hold upward a skillful choice.

The adjacent morning,(or y'all tin also do this the nighttime before, merely mix both broth as well as rice together the adjacent day) with some other pot, I boil v cups or less H2O or stock or dashi. Put inward chicken or any meat as well as allow it cook. If it needs to hold upward shredded receive got it out as well as allow it cool. Then position the cooked rice dorsum in, as well as convey it dorsum to a boil on high estrus for 10 minutes. There y'all receive got it, smoothen limited porridge inward the morning. Well of course, y'all tin ever purpose the tedious cooker as well as allow it gear upward overnight the whole affair if y'all want, but I don’t.

For this time, I used
1 loving cup Thai fragrant rice (jasmine rice) (Makes virtually 2.5L porridge)
v cups or to a greater extent than water
Cook this the nighttime earlier merely earlier y'all become to slumber until the rice splits.

v cups or less water
two Tbsp mini dried scallops
200gm salmon flesh, or merely purpose i piece of 1 inch thick salmon steak (mine was ¾ of a steak, partially used for Lyanne’s porridge weeks ago)
1 medium carrot
half-dozen pcs filament crab stick
two sprigs of greenish onion
Salt to gustation (about 1.5 to two tsp)

1. Bring H2O as well as scallops to a boil as well as allow it simmer for thirty minutes.
2. Either gear upward the salmon inward the microwave, or poach it inward some other saucepan of water(if you’re scared that it’ll gustation fishy) or y'all tin throw it into the pot (that is making scallops broth). Take out the salmon as well as allow it cool down. The fish is cooked when it tin hold upward easily flaked.
3. Next, pare as well as finely die the carrot, piece the greenish onions, piece the filament crab sticks finely.
4. By the fourth dimension you’re done amongst the cutting as well as slicing, position the rice dorsum into the scallop broth as well as convey to a boil on high estrus (lid off), don’t’ run out the pot unattended. Stir the rice hence that it’ll disintergrate into the broth. Season amongst salt.
5. Flake the salmon as well as supply it to the pot. Put inward finely diced carrots too.
6. When the rice has come upward to a boil, allow it simmer on medium estrus for 10 minutes, lid off.
7. Put inward the sliced crab sticks, lightly stir as well as plough off the heat.
8. Put inward greenish onions forthwith or purpose it every bit a garnish later.

*The argue why I produce this inward two pots is because reboiling rice tin sometimes hold upward a daunting task. It tin easily move or if y'all stir it piece bringing it dorsum to boil, y'all may scald your wrist or palm because porridge is real very hot, worse than getting scalded past times hot water. So bringing the broth to boil, hence entirely y'all add together the rice, reduces the cooking fourth dimension as well as less adventure of getting scalded.

Mike rarely goes dorsum for seconds when it comes to porridge. He ate two big bowls of this. Very real sugariness porridge.
He asked me, if this porridge is sold for RM5/bowl, volition I brand money. I told him Ryu Men Tei sold this for almost RM10  :-)

And I did this i time to a greater extent than the next week.... this moving painting below is from the 2nd calendar week , I left some salmon to sprinkle on come about for garnish, rather than mixing them all in.

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: