Love To Bake Spiced Fried Chicken

I bring e'er wanted to brand this type of fried chicken. Until I saw in Sonia’s blog that she made something similar. I didn’t bring whatsoever lemon grass on hand, but I did it anyway, together with well, it did sense of savor similar it (the 1 inwards my my head).

This fried chicken reminds me of my days inwards Felda Selancar. I spent ii years of my youth there. It’s an fossil oil palm estate that is 55km away from the nearest town, together with all along the way from the estate to town is fossil oil palm, equally far equally the oculus tin move see.

The schoolhouse was my outset posting after completing teacher’s training, together with some got shocked I got posted to such a remote area, inwards Pahang. I was questioned past times some why didn’t I asking Perak or Klang Valley, alongside the idea that I volition live unopen to abode or KL, where Mike is that time. Errr… outset of all, I’m non married, they volition non give me such high demand areas. If I am willing to live posted to Pahang, I won’t live posted to East Malaysia. Hey, non that I don’t similar the East, I do, but merely that I experience that if I ever experience homesick, it’s difficult to become home, together with if I’m inwards Pahang, no thing how remote I am posted to, I tin move nonetheless drive home, fifty-fifty if it agency driving through the night. Even if I asking Perak, Perak is non small, together with I tin move larn posted to Thai bordering towns.. that’s far.

Well, Selancar ain’t that bad, Segamat which is a town almost equally big equally Kuala Kangsar is merely xl minutes away. If I ever desire to bring McD’s, Pizza or KFC, I’ll merely drive for xl mins,and well, nosotros e'er attain :-D Felda Selancar is an fossil oil palm resettlement that is made upwards of 99.5% Malay, alongside 0.5% Indians together with 1 Chinese trouble solid unit of measurement amid the thousands of Malay families. My schoolhouse is made upwards of almost 2000 students alongside virtually five Indian kids. I didn’t experience left out amidst these people. I felt at home. I felt welcomed.

I was lucky that when I arrived, there’s some other Chinese(HMF) at the school, together with I came replacing some other Chinese. That novel friend of mine, HMF was thus scared thinking that she’ll live left lonely after the other daughter left. And HMF was relieved that I came by, together with I shared the room alongside her. Minority nosotros maybe, amid the residue of the Malays teachers, but everybody care for us well, together with everybody were our friends.

The canteen fed us well, together with I was inwards such practiced damage alongside the Canteen, I would asking dishes from them together with I’ll encounter them the side past times side solar daytime for lunch, or peradventure days later, but they’ll ready it for me. And canteen volition fifty-fifty shipping me Pengat Durian (Durian Coconut Dessert), on a personal the world correct upwards to my quarters gratis of charge. Pak Yob together with Mifa, give thank yous you thus much. Sometimes I’ll merely remain at the canteen after schoolhouse together with chat chat chat. Life was good, thus was the laksa there. The best Malay laksa ever!!!

The schoolhouse equally good treated me well. I wasn’t forced to encompass up, similar what happened inwards JB, where whatsoever other Non Muslim teachers are required to wearable shirts/blouses that covers upwards the elbows together with if amend the butt, together with maxi skirts. I merely dressed according to the Federal government’s rules, no sleeveless together with no skirts shorter than the knee. That’s it, inwards rural Palm Oil estate made upwards of 99.5% Malays allowed me to wearing clothing that way to school, together with no complaints from parents or students. It’s thus unlike than urban JB. And the schoolhouse authorities made certain that nosotros the solely ii Chinese teachers that ever stayed longer than half dozen months in that place were treated well. Whenever there’s an eating upshot inwards School, En. Raub volition definately sentry out for us, making certain nosotros were in that place to swallow out hearts out. They don’t desire us to experience left out.

The students were superb. Although most of them are non academically inclined, but instruction is definitely fun there. They may non sympathise what was the internet(hey, vii years ago, non now), together with they attain non know what a credit bill of fare is, nor what is e-banking, but I loved instruction them. During the fasting month, some of them volition drib past times our quarters together with inquire us out, to become nutrient shopping alongside them. And these students volition non allow us to care for them, together with after that, we’ll swallow together at our house. During the rainy season, the students volition inquire me to become mushroom collecting alongside them at the fossil oil palm area. And existence a rural school, 1 tin move merely attain anything together with role the school’s chemical compound equally long equally the action is beneficial to the students. So, my students together with I volition e'er bring cooking sessions, after schoolhouse inwards the Home Science lab. I attain recollect my best cooks, Rohana, Roslina, together with Sharlina. Cooking sessions alongside the dorsum classes were e'er a blast, together with they e'er create the best tasting dishes together with the cleanest kitchen thereafter. Top classes volition ready the best looking garnishes together with most careful inwards all that they do. Middle classes are a headache, but nonetheless fun inwards the end.

Now that I’m dorsum inwards KK, life inwards schoolhouse is no longer the same. HMF equally good said the same, if it’s non because nosotros involve to remain close our husbands, nosotros don’t think nosotros would desire to larn out the school.
SMK Perwira Jaya, Felda Selancar… I missed you, a lot.

So here’s a copycat version of my favourite fried chicken from Pak Yob’s Canteen, eaten every thus oftentimes during the best years of my instruction life til now.

75gm shallots (about 5)
75gm ginger (about iii inches)
iii cloves garlic
Pound everything or pulverize it inwards the mill/food processor

1 tsp coriander seeds (ketumbar)
1 tsp cumin seeds (jintan putih)
1 tsp fennel seeds (jintan manis)
1 tsp dark pepper
1 tsp chicken curry powder
1 together with ½ tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
ii Tbsp flour
Ground coriander, cumin, fennel together with dark pepper inwards the manufacturing flora until fine. Mix alongside the residue of the dry out ingredients.

(C )
1 tsp dark soy sauce
750gm chicken drumsticks or whatsoever other parts, rinsed together with drain. (It needs a flake of moisture)

1. Mix (A) alongside chicken, together with thus (B) together with dark soy sauce. Rub the seasonings into every nook together with cranny of the chicken.
2. Leave it to marinate for 1 hour.
3. Heat a wok of fossil oil together with seat inwards chicken pieces, brand certain the chicken pieces are covered alongside a flake of the marinade. Fry inwards hot fossil oil on medium high estrus until golden together with crispy. Pour fossil oil over strainer to recover whatsoever bits of the crunchy fried marinade.

I'm equally good submitting this to Babekl's Merdeka Open House
Actually this write upwards was non done specifically for this event.
It was already drafted ii months earlier I knew of this, yous all know I bring loads of dorsum posts, right?
Just that I dug this out (supposedly due to live posted inwards November) because I felt it was suitable, something made from the heart.

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: