Love To Bake Steamed Fish Amongst Preserved Dark Beans In Addition To Greenish Chili

Had about greenish chilies in addition to well, let's endeavor something new....
May non await appetizing, only Mike says it's nice.

This fish is rather pocket-sized in addition to is plenty for Mike in addition to me. Please growth ingredients accordingly if you lot innovation to laid a larger fish.

i whole fish, well-nigh 300gm, rubbed amongst about ShaoXing wine
i shallot
two cloves garlic
i inch ginger, peeled
¾ Tbsp preserved dark beans, rinsed
two greenish chilies, deseeded, thickly sliced
1Tbsp lite soy sauce
i tsp sugar

Preserved Black Beans in addition to Green Chilli topping
1. Pound shallot, garlic in addition to ginger, or procedure them inward a nutrient processor or mill.
2. Heat wok/pan on medium heat, seat inward two tbsp cooking oil. Put inward processed ingredients.
3. Fry until fragrant, seat inward preserved dark beans in addition to laid for ten seconds, in addition to seat inward sliced chilies. Cook until the chili is fragrant. Then flavor amongst lite soy sauce in addition to sugar.
4. Dish upwards the topping.

You tin go either
a. Pour the dark beans in addition to chilli topping over the fish in addition to steam the fish for 7-10 minutes
b. Or steam the fish for 7-10 minutes , in addition to hence pour the toppings over.

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