Love To Bake Strawberry Yogurt Cake

 she requested that I brand something for her Love to Bake Strawberry Yogurt Cake  she requested that I brand something for her Love to Bake Strawberry Yogurt Cake

Made this cake for my cousin Grace. It was a cleaning the pantry cake.. no la.

Well, she requested that I brand something for her, if I convey the time. And I planned to view her, too I'm non going to Ipoh, too then I tin exclusively brand alongside whatever is inward my fridge. She wanted the Jap Strawberry Shortcake, simply I don't convey plenty strawberries for that. So I made her this Strawberry Yogurt Cake

Hope Grace, Amanda, Marc, Chloe, Paul, Ah Bak too Bak Leong, oh yes, besides Seh the maid enjoyed this cake.

Sponge Cake: (U may substitute this alongside sponge mix. Bake according to manufacturer's instructions)
v eggs
150 sugar

100gm flour
25gm cornstarch
1/2 tsp baking powder
50ml milk + 1 tsp vanilla extract

50gm butter, melted

Beat eggs too saccharide over hot H2O until mixture is thick, too pale for most v mins on high until Ribbon stage. The bubbles should live real very fine. Sift flour, cornstarch too baking pulverization together. Fold inward flour mixture inward 3 additions, alternating alongside milk.
Lastly, set unopen to batter into the melted butter, too combine. Put the buttered batter dorsum into the original batter too crimp to combine. Pour batter into a 8 or ix inch circular pan (bottom lined). Bake inward a preheated oven of 170/180C for 30-35 minutes. Overturn cake for two mins later removal from oven too plow it upright again. Loosen sides from pan too withdraw from pan for full cooling. Slice cake into two layers too freeze until it's fourth dimension to add together filling.

Filling:500gm skillful strawberry yogurt
100gm whipped topping cream (coolwhip, or whatsoever other non dairy topping. If it's inward unwhipped conditions, whip it until soft peaks)
1 1/2 Tbsp gelatine + threescore ml H2O (soak for 1 infinitesimal too microwave at High for xxx secs. Make certain gelatine has dissolved. If non give it unopen to other 10-15 secs on high. Leave aside to cool.)

Mix yogurt alongside whipped topping cream. Put inward dissolved gelatine too mix to combine. Prepare a 9inch cake telephone too trouble it alongside either cling wrap/ alu foil or plastic cake seperator linings. Remove cake from freezer. Put 1 slice of the cake into the ring. Put one-half the filling onto the spell of the cake inward ring, degree the filling and overstep alongside unopen to other slice. Pour the other one-half of filling onto the cake. Chill for 3 hours or until gelatine is set. Decorate alongside unopen to cream rosettes too fresh strawberries.

 she requested that I brand something for her Love to Bake Strawberry Yogurt Cake

 she requested that I brand something for her Love to Bake Strawberry Yogurt Cake

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