Love To Bake Cerise Edible Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS Love to Bake Red Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS13 Pasar Malam, where an aunty sold it equally Fuchow pau. Then I saw it in 1 lawsuit again from a java store inwards Kampar, in addition to it’s a franchised pau called Langkap Pau.

I made this inwards smaller portions, non equally large equally theirs because my wok is non that big.

Pau Skin Recipe
A) 500gm pau flour (low gluten flour)
100gm sugar
¼ tsp salt

B)250ml warm water
1 sachet dry out yeast
1 tsp sugar

50gm shortening (melted, but non equally good hot)

2 cups of sweetened cerise beans (I made cerise edible bean soup the other day, in addition to I boiled extra beans, scooped out ii cups of beans, cooked to a thick glue inwards a wok amongst 1 Tbsp crude in addition to ½ loving cup sugar)

2 Pieces of A4 paper, cutting into iii pieces each, in addition to used exclusively five out of the 6.

1) Mix B together in addition to await for the mixture to froth.
2) Mix Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 together. Pour B in.
3) Knead until it becomes smoothen in addition to doesn’t stick to the side of the mixing bowl.
4) Pour inwards melted shortening, in addition to knead until the crude is fully incorporated. (It may appear to live real oily, but don’t worry, only knead)
5) Shape into a ball in addition to embrace mixing bowl amongst cling roll in addition to permit sit down until dough has doubled. (I knead inwards a pot, thus I only embrace upwards amongst the pot lid)
6) Punch downward in addition to knead. Divide into five X 180gm balls.

1. Roll 1 slice of dough into a rectangle near 6” X 8” inwards betwixt ii pieces of plastic sheets amongst the wider side towards you.

The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS Love to Bake Red Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

2. Remove upper plastic canvas in addition to spread iii Tbsp of cerise edible bean filling onto dough, leaving to a greater extent than or less infinite on the edges.

The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS Love to Bake Red Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

3. By using the lower plastic sheet, gyre the dough, swiss gyre fashion or sushi style.

The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS Love to Bake Red Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

4. Place dough gyre amongst seam side upwards in addition to crimp the ends in. The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS Love to Bake Red Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

5. Overturn dough in 1 lawsuit again in addition to house onto a slice of cutting upwards A4 paper.

The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS Love to Bake Red Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

6. Let sit down for thirty minutes in addition to steam on high for 10 minutes.
7. Let cool slightly earlier slicing pau.

The start fourth dimension I saw this type of pau is inwards Subang SS Love to Bake Red Bean Spiral Pau 红豆螺旋包

To store, conk on pau whole. Slice pau earlier reheating.
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