Love To Bake Chicken Stew

 The army camp get made this chicken stew that was yummy Love to Bake Chicken Stew

Went to Camp Cameron during my 1st twelvemonth inwards Uni. It was a three weeks matter organized past times SUFES, a Christian body. The army camp get made this chicken stew that was yummy, she named it chicken stew, but it tasted Chinese instead. Well, who cares equally long equally it’s yummy. I only wanted to recreate the taste, in addition to it is similar.

½ onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 whole chicken leg, chopped pocket-sized pcs
½ loving cup carrot, sliced 1cm
1 russet potato, diced
2 Tbsp calorie-free soy sauce
1 tsp nighttime soy sauce
1/3 tsp sugar
2 Tbsp cooking oil
Salt in addition to pepper to taste.

1. Heat wok in addition to seat inwards oil.
2. Saute onion in addition to garlic until fragrant, seat inwards chicken in addition to stir.
3. Lightly chocolate-brown nitty-gritty in addition to seat inwards carrot in addition to potatoes. Stir kid for a minute.
4. Put inwards plenty H2O to encompass over chicken in addition to potatoes. Put inwards calorie-free soy sauce.
5. Leave to simmer until potatoes are cooked.
6. Reduce gravy in addition to get until the murphy thickens the gravy. Put inwards nighttime soy sauce, carbohydrate in addition to flavour alongside tabular array salt in addition to pepper to taste.
7. Dish upwards in addition to serve.

** produce non seat inwards tabular array salt equally good early on equally the murphy volition absorb it all, leaving the chicken bland in addition to potatoes salty.

 The army camp get made this chicken stew that was yummy Love to Bake Chicken Stew

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