Love To Bake Chinese Chives Omelette 韭菜煎蛋

 for the whole calendar month for nutrient as well as petrol for my cycle Love to Bake Chinese Chives Omelette   韭菜煎蛋
There was in i lawsuit inwards my life, during uni days... when I was left alongside only RM50 for the whole calendar month for nutrient as well as petrol for my bike. I didn't accept the guts to enquire for to a greater extent than from mom, cos I overspent through out the semester.

What to do??? I had to brand produce alongside only RM1 a 24-hour interval for food.
What tin I consume alongside RM1/day?? Instant noodles? Nah, non a balanced meal, can't fifty-fifty afford to add together inwards an'll add together upwards the cost.

The solution? Plain rice porridge alongside omelette! Eggs during that time, toll less than twenty sen each, as well as 50 sen chinese chives is sufficient for iv meals.... So, I'll brand two big bowls of apparently rice porridge for my two meals/day, accompanied past times this omelette.... OKOK.. I didn't consume this for a month..but I'd country 50% of the time. I made other omelettes every bit well, preserved radish, onion, as well as my favourite, remains to last this one.

And at the terminate of the month, I was left alongside RM17.. fifty-fifty afterwards paying for my bike's petrol! What a feat! But I dun intend I desire to challenge myself this agency again. It wasn't voluntary.

I learnt to add together inwards dried shrimps to this omelette from my sis inwards law's sister. It adds a whole lot of departure to the omelette.

100gm Chinese Chives
3 eggs
1/3 tsp salt
1 tsp dried shrimp, really finely chopped
1 clove garlic, finely minced
3 Tbsp oil

1. Cut chinese chives into really brusque lengths... almost 7-10mm.
2. Heat two tbsp crude as well as pose inwards garlic as well as dried shrimp, nipper until fragrant as well as slightly golden.
3. Put inwards chinese chives as well as stir nipper until fragrant.
4. Dish upwards as well as mix good alongside 1 Tbsp oil, eggs as well as salt.
5. Pour a sparse layer of egg mixture onto a frying pan as well as spread it well.
6. Fry omelette until golden.
I similar my omelette actually thin..... Mine is 2-4mm thick only. Thin ones are prissy for porridge, but u may brand them thicker to consume alongside rice.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: