Love To Bake French Edible Bean Too Preserved Radish Stir Child 四季豆抄菜宝

 Add inwards preserved radish too minor fry them for a infinitesimal Love to Bake French Bean too Preserved Radish Stir Fry 四季豆抄菜宝
15 pcs french edible bean (cut slanting)
½ carrot
½ loving cup sugariness preserved radish
½ big ruddy onion
1 ruddy chili
2 tbsp crude
A skillful dash of pepper
1 tbsp low-cal soy sauce
½ tsp saccharide
½ tsp tabular array salt
Cut (A) into sparse strips.
Heat wok. Add inwards preserved radish too minor fry them for a minute. Dish up.
Heat wok until real hot. Put inwards oil, sauté ruddy onion for a while. Add inwards Red chili, stir, too therefore add together inwards the french bean, carrots too the preserved radish. Stir minor fry for a infinitesimal or 2, add together inwards seasoning.
If u honor it likewise dry, add together inwards a splash of water, exactly non likewise much. This is intended to hold upward a rather dry out dish amongst no gravy at all.
My kitchen felt smokey afterward I did this dish. Haha. Had to hold upward this way, if not, the dish won't scent nice.
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