Love To Bake Fried Fish Amongst Salsa

 only laid upwards salsa only earlier serving too pour over fish Love to Bake Fried Fish amongst Salsa

My hubby doesn't similar sour stuff, then I made the salsa every mo a dip.
If u similar tangy stuff, only laid upwards salsa only earlier serving too pour over fish.


1 medium sized trevally-Malays telephone call upwards this fish ikan nyok nyok (abt eight inches long, or whatever fish u prefer)
1/2 tsp salt
dash of pepper

Salsa Recipe
1 small-scale theater ruby tomato plant (diced small)
1 small-scale ruby onion (not shallot, diced small)
2 small-scale bird's see chili (I used cili burung, the much smaller version)
juice from 1 lime
zest from 1 lime
1 Tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt

Marinate fish amongst common salt too pepper for one-half an hour.
Fry fish on shallow stone oil til golden brown.
Mix together salsa ingredients.
Pour over fish or serve every mo a dip.

 only laid upwards salsa only earlier serving too pour over fish Love to Bake Fried Fish amongst Salsa
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