Love To Bake Kerabu Bihun 酸辣米粉沙拉

First attempt! Liked it a lot, hence did the guests at Lydia's birthday inwards KK.
Got the sentiment from a magazine I read few years back.

Got the sentiment from a magazine I read few years dorsum Love to Bake Kerabu bihun    酸辣米粉沙拉

Kerabu is Malay salad. One tin role anything to brand kerabu, there's kerabu perut (cow's tummy salad), kerabu sotong (squid amongst salad), kerabu mangga (young mango salad), kerabu paku (fern shoots salad), kerabu jantung pisang (banana blossom salad) in addition to many many more... It's basically hot in addition to sour, amongst a low-cal tinge of sweetness in addition to laced amongst local herbs in addition to spices similar lime, lemon grass, torch ginger flower, kokosnoot in addition to the listing goes on, depending on the dish.

250gm bihun (rice vermicelli, I dear Hutou Rice Vermicelli, it looks similar Tang Hoon, but non equally frail in addition to pasty similar Tang Hoon, tin hold out establish inwards Tesco )

½ loving cup lime juice
4 tbsp sugar
1 ¾ tsp salt
2 Tbsp chopped bird’s middle chilli
2 stalks torch ginger blossom (bunga kantan, finely chopped)

1 large reddish onion (sliced, marinate amongst iii Tbsp vinegar, ane ½ Tbsp sugar, it’ll plough pink)
1 ½ cups really finely julienned carrots
½ loving cup finely sliced greenish onion (cut into two inch lengths, hence spell vertically, soak inwards mutual depression temperature water)
½ loving cup squids (blanched)
½ loving cup shelled prawns (cooked)
5 eggs, fried into sparse omelettes in addition to finely julienned

1. Soak bihun inwards mutual depression temperature water.
2. Mix lime juice, sugar, salt, bird’s middle chilli in addition to chopped ginger flower. Taste. It should hold out sweet, sour in addition to a fleck over salty.
3. Blanch bihun inwards boiling H2O until cooked. Put cooked bihun nether running mutual depression temperature water, drain well.
4. Pour inwards (2) onto bihun. Mix well. Taste. The saltiness should hold out slightly less, but the sourness volition surface, accompanied amongst subtle sweetness. Anyway, adapt it to ur liking.
5. Drain reddish onion from marinade, produce non discard marinade. Mix squids in addition to prawns inwards marinade for few seconds, drain.
6. Sprinkle carrots, greenish onion, squids, prawns, egg strips in addition to reddish onion onto bihun. Toss well.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: