Love To Bake Lyanne's Home!

Thank God Lydia is spending the nighttime amongst Nanny cos I was supposed to hold out induced that mor Love to Bake Lyanne's Home!

Thank God Lydia is spending the nighttime amongst Nanny cos I was supposed to hold out induced that mor Love to Bake Lyanne's Home!

I didn't larn to hold out induced on 29th... I had potent cervix that day, too hence it was postponed to 31st, 7am.

31st dec, 4.30am, I woke up, feeling an urge to poo... It feels similar it...
After iii poo-like contractions too no poo coming out, I knew it... OMG!
Went out too banking concern fit the clock. five mins apart! Oh no..... meliorate hold out quick.
Woke Mike upward too he rapidly got ready.

Thank God Lydia is spending the nighttime amongst Nanny cos I was supposed to hold out induced that morning time too hold out inward infirmary past times 7, too hence she didn't slumber at domicile that night.

It's 35 mins to Ipoh Specialist Hospital. Throughout the journey, my contractions shortened from five minutes to iii minutes apart. I dared non say Mike...

When nosotros reached, I rapidly went inward on my own, field Mike parked the car. By the fourth dimension I made it to the Maternity ward, the hurting was simply 1-2 minutes apart.
The nurses rapidly attended to me. It was 5.50am

Midwife checked me, I was five cms dilated. I asked for epidural, she said, "No need, past times the fourth dimension u accept the enema, u'll hold out viii cm dilated." I was too hence scared! How to deliver a ix pounder??????

My waters broke correct later on the razors left me. It felt similar "pop" too "slusshhh"
Then, the enema. The nurse told me to become ease my self later on 10 minutes, but I said, I'm non going to wait.. She went away.

I got downward the bed too saw my waters... It was thick too black green! Meconium! I kept calm too was telling my self that the nurse saw it too told the midwife..

I went in... I sat downward on the WC..

Pain came, too it won't stop, it was a dissimilar sort of pain, I couldn't walk, or stand upward up, I was too hence scared.
I yelled too the nurse came to opened upward the can door..she rapidly got me a bicycle chair too helped me got upward onto the bicycle chair.

The midwife came inward too told me to larn on the delivery bed, I dared non motion my legs, the baby's pushing! They persuaded me to rapidly larn on.....and I in conclusion did it amongst much courage.
She checked me again, indeed, I was 8cm dilated.

I was given gas, Nitrous Oxide, my heed was off the pain, I simply focused on sucking inward the gas field waiting for my physician to arrive. Baby's pushing... In my oculus I was too hence scared.

Mike in conclusion came dorsum from the admission procedures, too he was surprised to come across me inward the delivery room. He tought I volition hold out inward the staging room. He rapidly set on his wearing clothing too came to my side, held my hands.

Dr Diva in conclusion arrived too the nurses set me into position, legs up.
When the babe pushed again, I every bit good pushed.

**At this point, I've forgotten well-nigh the pain**

1 push, tin flaming come across the crown.
2nd push, the head's out!
3rd push! All out!!!! It was 6.26am
I cried inward relieve.... I was too hence scared, actually really scared! Everything's over now. Mike held on to me, wiped my tears...

Doc set Lyanne onto me.... too I could come across her.....
The nurses rapidly cleaned her too did any necessary.
Doc got my placenta too blood clots out, stitch me too I was transfered to my room...

Everything's over... I tin flaming in conclusion rest. I can't believe it. She's 3.84kg or viii pounds vii oz, too I did it without the Epidural...

Thank God Lydia is spending the nighttime amongst Nanny cos I was supposed to hold out induced that mor Love to Bake Lyanne's Home!

Thank God Lydia is spending the nighttime amongst Nanny cos I was supposed to hold out induced that mor Love to Bake Lyanne's Home!

Thank God Lydia is spending the nighttime amongst Nanny cos I was supposed to hold out induced that mor Love to Bake Lyanne's Home!

Both babe too I were discharged on 2d Jan, too headed home.

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