Love To Bake Peanut Cookies 花生饼

 I dearest the peanut cookies that my aunts  Love to Bake Peanut Cookies 花生饼
Not thence traditional peanut cookies

When I was a small-scale kid, I dearest the peanut cookies that my aunts (maternal side) made. Every Chinese New Year, my brothers volition hold off forwards to their kuih kapit, but I am waiting for the peanut cookies instead.

The traditional recipe calls for lard, but thinking of my woman bring upwards who has hypertension, amend not. Changed the tasty unhealthy fatty to corn oil. So, it's not-so traditional already. It's non every bit soft, but yet it's soft plenty to hold upwards scarred in addition to chipped yesteryear fingernails. So amend hold upwards careful when transfering them. Many scarred ones went into my oral cavity in addition to my hubby's mouth... It yet melts inwards the mouth.

Yummy yummy! This is my kickoff attempt..hehe.

Peanut Cookies

1 kg flour
1 kg peanuts (the raw weight, thence roast it, deskin in addition to soil til fine)
1 kg of fine saccharide (not icing sugar, tin piece of employment caster saccharide or fine granulated sugar)
400 ml corn crude oil (might ask to a greater extent than depending on crude oil bird of peanuts used)

1 egg (beaten)
1/2 loving cup peanut halves for deco

1. Mix flour, saccharide in addition to peanuts until good blended together.
2. Pour inwards the crude oil in addition to knead until the crude oil is good incorporated. Add to a greater extent than crude oil if dough is dry.*
3. Take a small-scale amount of peanut dough onto palm in addition to ringlet into a small-scale ball the size of a marble.
4. Place the peanut ball onto a baking tray in addition to house a peanut one-half onto it. Lightly press the peanut half.

*If y'all reduced the sugar, y'all volition ask to a greater extent than crude oil to bind the dough together
*If y'all used icing sugar, the resultant volition hold upwards SWEETER

 I dearest the peanut cookies that my aunts  Love to Bake Peanut Cookies 花生饼

5. By using a chinese calligraphy brush (mopit), glaze the peanut ball with a beaten egg.
 I dearest the peanut cookies that my aunts  Love to Bake Peanut Cookies 花生饼

6. Bake at 180C for 12 minutes or until the egg glaze turns golden.
 I dearest the peanut cookies that my aunts  Love to Bake Peanut Cookies 花生饼

 I dearest the peanut cookies that my aunts  Love to Bake Peanut Cookies 花生饼
Tada!!! Nice in addition to golden. Hubby can't hold off to popular i into his mouth!

I made nearly 550 pcs of peanut cookies with this amount of ingredients. Cost? Around RM11 solely non inclusive of electricity of course.. Cheap hoh!! But darn lot of work, specially preparing the peanuts:- roasting, deskinning, airing in addition to grinding!! One afternoon for the peanuts, i for the cookie. ii afternoons to brand 550 pcs of peanut cookies. Quite fourth dimension consuming actually, but if i has the time, tin salve a lot of coin instead of buying them at RM15-20 for 100 pcs.

I'm making this i time again adjacent weekend... cos I don't intend what I made today is plenty to hold upwards shared with my relatives.

Note: (26/12/2011)
The dough volition become dry if y'all produce these ii things
1. Reduce the sugar
2. Use shop bought roasted peanut nibs.

So, roast your ain peanuts (those with skin) in addition to produce non cut the sugar. If y'all produce cut the saccharide y'all ask to a greater extent than crude oil to bind the dough. So choose, crude oil or sugar, upwards to y'all to move along the dough intact.

Note: 24/1/2012
If y'all prefer floury, fine peanut cookies, factory the peanuts together with the flour, this agency your peanuts volition hold upwards every bit fine every bit flour. Then piece of employment icing sugar, but cut it to nearly 750gm (icing saccharide sense of savor sweeter), thence y'all volition ask to a greater extent than oil, probably, 500ml or more. Gauge it every bit y'all degree the dough.
If y'all desire a genuinely melty peanut cookie, that doesn't ask whatever drive to eat, piece of employment LARD (pig fat), or GHEE.
This cookie is crumbly, but non genuinely that fragile. If y'all prefer yours with around mouthfeel, non besides fine, thence but follow the recipe exactly, piece of employment caster/fine saccharide in addition to stick to the amount. Somehow I uncovering besides fine peanut cookies stick to my pharynx in addition to I prefer this version is isn't besides fine, tooooooo melty. Up to y'all :)
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